The Mountain climber To lose fat and tone your lower ab muscles you must engage in aerobic exercise. Mountain climber luckily for you provides a total-body and cardiovascular CrossFit workout. You can expect to work your shoulders, abs, quads, and more, while also increasing your heart rate. Begin in a plank position, palms to the ground and arms straight out in front of you, right underneath your shoulders same as the push-up position. Your legs must be extended in a straight line. You must maintain your back in a flat position and your arms in the same position throughout, quickly tuck your right knee toward your chest and then jump it back to the ground as you simultaneously pull your left leg toward your chest. Repeat this CrossFit workout procedure quickly as many times as you can. Lying Leg Raise Begin this exercise by lying flat on your back with your hands underneath your glutes, palms down, and legs extended straight out in front of you. Lift your legs slowly off the ground until they are perpendicular to the floor. Hold the position for a second, then bring them back down to the floor. To increase the challenge, don’t let your feet touch the floor in between reps. Scissors This CrossFit exercise is similar to the lying leg raise, except for the fact that you’ll be lifting one leg at a time. You lie on your back with both of your legs lifted such that they are perpendicular to the floor. With both your head and shoulders lifted off the floor, lower your left leg down until it is about 6 inches from the floor as you gently pull your right leg toward your body. Also, while doing this CrossFit workout, one can switch their sides for one rep and repeat about ten times. Reverse Crunch  This is most effective for the lower abs than just the average crunch. Reverse crunches deserve being part of your daily routine. You start by lying flat on your back, legs raised while at the same time knees bent at a 90-degree angle. You then, lift your lower back off the ground while tucking your pelvis towards your belly button. You shouldn’t rely on the momentum by kicking your legs for this, as recommended by CrossFit coaches; instead, you should keep it controlled to ensure your abs do the work.  Bring your body back down to the ground with the same control and repeat about ten times.
CrossFit has been known to expose individuals to many and diverse forms of exercise. Loading these exercises with weight when one is not yet readily prepared may lead to injury. Some of these CrossFit injuries can, however, be prevented. Those who’ve been injured before for example, are at a much greater risk of experiencing the same kind of injury. Therefore, training without fully recovering is risky and should be avoided. The combination of heavy and technical lifts and time restraints is likely to "wake up" old injuries. The CrossFit gym has fastened our exposure to innovative bodyweight and Olympic style lifting techniques. The average consumer of fitness doesn't, however, know how best to "consume" the sources of fitness at their disposal. If an athlete does not have an adequate base of stability, mobility, and skill, the Olympic lifts with the straight bar can be potentially injurious. Most movements that involve heavy loading, increased bar speed, and higher skill levels are probably the most dangerous types of movements, they however also have the highest ceilings of any lifts out there. Most of the available data indicate that the number one risk factor for sustaining a future injury is having had a previous injury. Many athletes usually go back to training without having fully recovered from a previous injury, which may be partly the fault of the athlete and also the medical system. It’s difficult to say that one type of injury happens more often in CrossFit, but rather, the metabolic environment and heavy loading schemes under huge amounts of stress tend to revive old CrossFit injuries that have been mismanaged or ignored in the past by the athlete, rehab specialist, or coach. Lower backs, shoulders, and knees often take the most of the hit when talking about injury rates in CrossFit. However, with better stability, mobility, and technique, many of these common injuries can be avoided. Sessions such as the Work Out of the Day (WOD) also help to define an individual’s capabilities or a specific but all-inclusive workout across the board. People sometimes don't know their own limitations, which sometimes lands them into problems that increase the unnecessary risk of CrossFit injuries during training. Many people blindly shuffle into these challenging environments not really considering what they are physically capable of doing without getting hurt. This needs to be addressed to protect athletes and to offer some alternatives in programming to match their current functional ability. Coaches also play an integral part in protecting CrossFitters. This they do by making sure that every movement programmed into the Work Out of the Day (WOD) has workable modifications to accommodate CrossFit athletes that are not currently executing a high-level movement without having an increased risk of injury. This may require the coach to check off whether an athlete may proceed in a WOD on a daily basis, or needs to downgrade and simplify a move or two. It’s also important to know the moves that people struggle with that way they don't get into the highly challenging metabolic environment, with those faulty movement mechanics. The role of coaches is to expose individuals to new exercises and combinations, not necessarily force feeding numeric training packages that may not be appropriate for one’s skill set or conditioning level.
For you to get it right in the WOD life, you have to know the building blocks of a successful CrossFit regime. You may have heard of how exercises are important in building your physique.  Even though the emphasis is usually placed on workouts, nutrition and especially CrossFit supplements can give you a great boost in your endeavor to excel in this sport. The question most CrossFitters ask themselves is, what supplements are the best for CrossFit? The truth is, answering this question may be quite tricky particularly for beginners. This is because there are lots of scientific explanations out there and sales talk on what supplements are good for you and your goals. However, the first step that you should take as you think of supplementation is to ensure your nutrition is on point. The best source of vitamins, energy, and minerals is real food. This is why you should get comfortable with your CrossFit diet before crossing over to the world of supplements. Once your nutrition is under control, the following CrossFit supplements can boost your performance as an athlete, help you in recovery, and play a significant role in building strength. The following are the top supplements you can integrate into your CrossFit. Whey Protein When you mention supplements, whey protein always features at the top of people’s minds. This is because it is a staple in most athletes’ diets. It is designed to digest relatively fast and can help in muscle recovery. Research shows that whey protein taken within a duration of 10 minutes of training helps in reducing stress levels. Taking 20 to 30 grams of protein can go a long way in aiding tissue repair and reducing muscle soreness following your CrossFit workout. Omega 3 Fish Oil This is one of the popular supplements CrossFit athletes take. Omega 3 is not a new supplement and its benefits span far and wide. For instance, Omega 3 can boost your brain health, promote exercise recovery, help in reducing inflammation, and quicken muscle protein synthesis. Not all fish oils are the same and this is why the Omega 3 supplement you choose has undergone purification systems to get rid of toxins and heavy metals. Vitamin D Most of our lifestyles revolve around working indoors especially in offices. The disadvantage of this is that we get insufficient exposure to sunlight and this limits our absorption of Vitamin D. As a nutrient, Vitamin D, is one of the most effective CrossFit supplements, helps in reducing inflammation, boosting respiratory health, and improving your mood. For you to improve your lift and WOD times, you need the benefits that come with Vitamin D. It is recommended you take Vitamin D about an hour before you go to bed at night. Creatine This is a scientifically proven supplement that is praised for its ability to support strength, explosiveness, and power in athletes. It also contributes significantly to developing lean body mass. Although creatine is produced in the body, its levels are insufficient and hence the need for CrossFit nutrition supplementation. Therefore, if you are a CrossFit athlete looking for strength training, muscle building, and boosting your anaerobic power, nutrition should be the first on your checklist and once that is covered, consider the above-discussed supplements including Magnesium and Beta Alanine.  
CrossFit coaches from around the world have experienced instances where they are approached by athletes who desire to add something on top of their normal CrossFit classes. They believe the extra stuff outside the gym will give them more work in. There is a trend across CrossFit boxes where athletes are desiring to increase volume because they believe the increase will expedite their fitness process. This is particularly true for athletes competing actively in CrossFit games. Is CrossFit All About Volume? When CrossFit began, its popularity was mainly because of the effect the sport had on the body where within a short workout period, it had the potential of causing tremendous health benefits. The combination of gymnastics, weightlifting, and mono-structural movements proved effective in developing a rounded fitness which worked across modal domains and broad time. Initially, CrossFit classes consisted of a warm-up session, a short workout, and finally a cooldown. This was done about 5 days a week. Over the years, an idea came in which was adopted that an hour of CrossFit is hardly enough and more time needed to be pumped in so as to create a full fitness program. This is when more volume was added with more weightlifting, extra metcon, more skill sessions, and before everyone knew it, CrossFit had graduated within 2 hours of randomly designed workouts. This left many questioning whether volume was really important. The Power of Intensity Compared to volume, intensity seems to carry more weight. Many athletes believe that the original intent of CrossFit was intensity and never volume. The mentality of more is better is not necessarily effective. For an athlete going for CrossFit classes, a well-rounded program should be the first priority as this ensures continual progress. A single dose of effective and intense CrossFit workout a day is sufficient to sustain a lifetime of fitness. Different Goals for Athletes Different athletes have different needs and in CrossFit, coaches take time to understand these goals and the kind of training required to achieve them. The additional volume is usually targeted at those athletes who want to engage in competitive CrossFit. Also, athletes who have experienced weight loss but at a slower rate can go for extra volume. To determine whether the volume is appropriate, the mechanical consistency of the athlete’s movement needs to be factored in. The athlete should be able to move consistently at a higher intensity and should also be able to improve in movement using verbal cues from the coach. While the pursuit of the volume is still alive in many CrossFit gyms, experts suggest that to make real progress into your desired goals, you should blend an appropriate amount of skill work with a normal prescription of intense CrossFit workouts. Doing more CrossFit can prove more harmful than good in the long run. For a lifetime of fitness, always choose intensity.
CrossFit as a sport can be somewhat intimidating and make people feel that the CrossFit box is not for everyone. The truth is, CrossFit is far more interesting than what most people think. Apart from the competitive side of it, CrossFit can help you to build endurance, strength, and above all a community of positive people who always encourage you. Beginners in CrossFit can have their moves modified so that they can also feel in place in the CrossFit gym. This serves as an encouragement and whether you are a beginner or an elite athlete, you can now lace up your shoes and go for workouts. Start with the basics and gradually explore the different moves at your disposal. Below are some of the ways to modify the workouts to suit your form. Lessen the Weights Every CrossFit gym has a prescribed weight also known as RX. This weight is the benchmark for seasoned CrossFit athletes, but not necessarily the weight you must start lifting when you join the gym. It is important that you modify your weight so that you can start from a comfortable point. If you are starting out in CrossFit, it may be worth completing movements without carrying on weights or working out with an unloaded barbell. Modifying Your Range of Motion Most of the movements in CrossFit Gym require a given level of mobility. There are movements such as snatch and overhead squats which require a great deal of shoulder mobility. In cases where your mobility doesn’t allow for proper form, it’s important you don’t do the exercise. This may sound such a simple truth, but most athletes end up disobeying this and getting carried by the adrenaline rush as they see everyone else working out. Taking your system beyond its range of motion can easily result in injury. You can begin learning proper movement patterns at the start of your CrossFit training programme and as your fitness level and mobility goes up, you can add weight and movements.  In cases where you are strong enough to perform a movement, but you are limited by your mobility, you should focus on mobility movements and thereafter revisit your strength movement. Practice makes perfect and you should do so with a proper form. Sample Modified CrossFit Exercises If you haven’t mastered a certain move, the following modifications can help you get the most from your workout. Ring Rows Instead of Pull-Ups The pull-up is ranked as one of the most tasking upper body movements. For beginners, you can modify this move with a ring row to make it less challenging. You simply take away the box and let your feet touch the ground. You should do the ring rows until you have properly mastered the pull-up. Banded Dips instead of Ring Dips Ring dips work on your upper body, but they are extremely challenging. However, to get the hang of them, use banded dips. If you prefer greater resistance, make use of a heavier band and for less resistance, make use of a lighter band. Other modifications include rowing muscle ups, pistol with a band, Russian kettlebell swing, overhead box squats, inverted box push-ups, and seated rope climbs.
CrossFit is a high-intensity sport that blends functional fitness including kettlebells, Olympic lifts, and calisthenics with competition, it offers you a unique way through which you can build your cardio fitness. To get the most out of this sport, you should consider joining a CrossFit gym which is alternatively referred to as a box. The daily WOD you will participate in will enhance your strength, power, and stamina. Shifting from Sedentary to Solid As you gradually shift your lifestyle from the couch to the CrossFit box, you will notice your cardio improving. A study that was done in 2013 and published in the Journal of Strength and Conditional Research revealed how the participants improved in VO2Max in just 10 weeks of training. The training involved exercises such as overhead press, squat, and clean and snatch done in quick succession. From this study, we can base our argument that a CrossFit workout program involving intense moves can significantly improve your cardiovascular ability even if the workouts are short. Within the period of training, your body will make notable adaptations at the cell level such as oxygen usage, fuel metabolism, and waste removal by multiplying the number and increasing the function of your mitochondria. Boosting Your Stamina and Fitness Levels You may not be a beginner in workouts and training, but you may want to increase your fitness levels. CrossFit Gym can help you to improve your stamina and boost your speed on the trail, track, and slopes. The strength and power CrossFit gives you means you can exercise for longer and your muscles will not fatigue. For competitive athletes whose first love is endurance sports, CrossFit can enhance their cardio. There is a temptation in CrossFit to simply settle at the WOD. This may be inappropriate particularly for your personal needs. You have to go beyond and replace your junk miles with CrossFit workouts that are targeted. The type of exercises that are best for you largely depends on what your goals are, but to start you off the following are some of the suggested workouts. Core CrossFit Workouts – In this category, exercises such as V-ups, hollow rock, and toes-to-bar are recommended. Plyometric Moves – This group of exercises brings together workouts such as single-leg hops, jump rope double unders, and burpees. Bodyweight Exercises – Here, workouts including pull-ups, dips, step-ups, and push-ups can do you a lot of good. Functional Resistance –This category of CrossFit Gym workouts brings together back squats, kettlebell swings, and push presses. Most endurance athletes pick a handful of these exercises and include them in their CrossFit workout plan. Concentrating on these moves for 20 or 30 minutes for a period of 3 to 4 times a week can bring you the transformation that you are looking for. Combine this with other targeted cardio training in your fields such as swimming, running, cycling, triathlon, and skiing for the best results.
It is almost impossible to talk about Cross Fitness training without mentioning diet. This is mainly because of the key role diets play in the achievement of your CrossFit goals. Both Keto and Paleo are major parts of CrossFit diet, but they focus on different foods. The real difference between Keto and Paleo are the food restrictions they recommend.  In Paleo, the aim is to eat the way our ancestors ate when their digestive systems were still evolving. This means unprocessed foods and no grains. Paleo prohibits eating products from modern farming because they have evolved faster than our body systems. The protein levels in Paleo make it an ideal diet for anyone looking to build muscle. Additionally, it makes you feel good. Keto, on the other hand, focuses on ratios: the moderate protein, high fat, and zero carbs. Since CrossFit integrates science into its WODs, it is also in order to put in some science in nutrition. The Paleo diet has the no grains rule and because of this, CrossFitters on this diet consume fewer carbohydrates. The litmus test for Keto is whether you are really in ketosis. It is often argued that people on Paleo diet find themselves in ketosis without being hyper-focused on it as a goal. Understanding Ketosis If you know glycolysis, the normal metabolic pathway through which your body cells convert energy from glucose, then you have a slight idea of what ketosis is. If your CrossFit diet doesn’t give you any more glucose, your body cells will automatically switch to ketosis. This is a rather complex metabolic pathway where your body system gets energy by converting ketones which are essentially byproducts of fat. However, it must be emphasized that the body only undergoes ketosis in the absence of carbohydrates. The Benefits of Ketosis One pretty obvious benefit is that if your body burns fat, you are likely to shed off layers of adipose tissue that usually blanket the muscles underneath. Within the body system, Keto just like Paleo fights inflammation. Some other research studies in CrossFit diet, have found out that the lack of glucose in the body helps in fighting cancer. This is because cancer cells cannot use ketone bodies for energy. As a CrossFit athlete, you must pay attention to your macronutrient mix because lack of doing so may lead to depletion of energy. If you eat Paleo without considering your macronutrient ratios, you will end up having high protein levels, but low carbs and low fat. Keto, on the other hand, may lead to a depletion of protein. If your beginner CrossFit training plan includes Keto, you need to be careful because your body requires time to adapt. Paleo diet is more on fruit while Keto is inclined towards cheese and some unprocessed foods that contain high fat and low carb.  
Every Cross Training Athletes is concerned about their performance, how long they take to recover, and their overall health. However, one of the most important and often overlooked components is the diet. Nutrition and especially vitamins play an important role in determining how effective your Cross Training Athletes training, performance, and recovery will be. Some essential vitamins and minerals play a cornerstone role in fitness and health and as such should be integrated into your daily meals and lifestyle. Understanding how important each of these vitamins and minerals is and where you can source them from makes everything smooth and easier for you. Vitamin C This is one of the leading vitamins. It helps in strengthening your immune system, regulating the iron absorption rate, as well as neutralizing and stabilizing the free irons coming out of the oxidative process. Vitamin C has also been associated with stress reduction which helps out in recovering from the high-intensity workouts much faster.  This vitamin can also be acquired from foods such as strawberries, melons, kale, kiwi, cauliflower, oranges, broccoli, pepper, and guavas. The daily demand for vitamin C is about 100 milligrams which is equal to 1 kiwi fruit. Since the body doesn’t produce or store Vitamin C, you need to include it as an essential part of your Cross Training Athletes diet. Vitamin D Vitamin D is at the forefront in assisting your body system in absorbing phosphorous and calcium. These are essential minerals in enhancing your capacity to generate testosterone. Bone development, immune functioning, muscle development, and the reduction of inflammation are all attributed to the work of vitamin D. The sun is the most significant supplier of this vitamin, and because people do not spend as much time outside, there is a danger of running into vitamin D deficiency. Research carried out by Harvard University showed that close to a billion people are already at risk. Apart from sunbathing, fatty fish, dairy products, eggs, and pork are essential sources in the Cross Training Athletes training. The daily demand is 15 micrograms which is equivalent to 3 ounces of salmon. Iron This mineral helps in transporting oxygen. It forms a critical component of hemoglobin, the substance responsible for carrying oxygen and red blood cells. You can find iron in seafood, red meat, dark green leafy vegetables, peas, beans, oatmeal, and even dried fruits such as apricot and raisins. During Cross Training Athletes WOD, a lot of iron is lost through sweat. Women require about 18 milligrams of iron per day while men need only 8 milligrams. If this is not met, chances of you experiencing headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and weakness are high. Calcium This mineral strengthens your bone health and plays a crucial role in muscular contraction. Calcium powers some essential processes like nerve transmission and blood coagulation regulation. You can find it in milk, cheese, spinach, yogurt, kale, and broccoli. The daily intake is 100 milligrams. Calcium deficiency may result in heart problems and bone weakness. To sum up the above, you should also consider including magnesium in the diet of your Cross Training Athletes. It helps in blood coagulation, relaxation of muscles, bone and cell formation, as well as energy production. The daily recommended intake is 300 to 400 milligrams which is equivalent to two cups of boiled spinach. You can find in nuts, avocados, bananas, fish, leafy vegetables, mineral water, and dried fruits.