Being a CrossFitter is all about learning new exercises challenging your limits and getting fitter. The ring stand push-up is one of the iconic CrossFit workouts you should try out. It was first seen at the 2010 Games, and ever since, it has made comebacks on many different fronts. It is a tough workout, and it tasks even the most qualified and fit human beings on earth. Ring stand push-up is an advanced movement. However, there is no reason that why you cannot achieve it. It is all about pushing your limits. Building the Right Foundations Before attempting this exercise, you have to build basic strength and balance. The following are some of the warm-up and prep exercises to perform. 3 strict pull-ups 3 strict handstand push-ups Freestanding handstand lasting 5 seconds The ring stands handstand push-up is a demanding exercise which requires a good sense of balance. This is because it is performed on equipment that is unstable and moving. It tasks your core to keep you stable over the entire range of motion. To improve balance, start by standing in an upright position with the distance between your feet measuring shoulder width apart. Then, take a 15-kg plate with both hands and raise it gradually above your head with your arms outstretched fully. Ensure your core is tight and adjust the plate until you achieve complete stability and hold in that position for 20 seconds. This CrossFit exercise helps you find your point of balance and trains your memory to keep your body tight in this position. Progression CrossFit is about progression. You need to build up with time by developing and strengthening your body system and technique in stages. When entering the ring handstand push-up position, hang the rings on a mat for the first few times and then grip them with bent arms. Then activate your core and push hard to propel your body and legs into an upright position. It is important to train form and strength before you embark on speed. Flexibility is Critical This exercise requires good flexibility. To wake your body up, ensure you mobilize your shoulders and do quick warm-ups with strict presses and quick presses. To successfully complete ring handstand push-ups, you should work to develop your shoulder stability. Lock Your Feet This is critical in handstand push-ups. To do this, straddle your legs out and then around the straps when you kick your legs up. Using your feet, hook back inside the straps to enable your outer foot to be in contact with the strap material. Position Your Body Vertically To make this cross-training movement efficient, stay as straight and vertical as you can. Your knees, feet, hips, and shoulders should be aligned in a straight vertical line. If your spine is curved, you will have a closed shoulder angle which makes things a little bit harder. The final tip to conquer this movement is to grip the rings. In doing this, keep your wrists tight because allowing them to bend can affect the ulnar nerve. This can have a bad impact on your balance.
The squat is a common type of CrossFit workout which gives your body an all-around exercise. Squatting is simply bending your hips and knees while the bar is on your upper back. While squatting, ensure you keep your knees out and your lower back neutral. To complete the squat, come back up from the lowered position and lock your knees and hips at the top. The reason squats are known as compound exercises is that they work on your entire body. To move the weight, your legs bend and straighten as your abs, and lower back muscles stabilize your trunk. The shoulders, upper back, and arms are responsible for balancing the bar on your back. Therefore, a lot of muscles are worked up all at the same time and not just your legs. Compared to exercises such as bench press and overhead shoulder press, the squat works more muscles, especially when having a heavier weight. Squat Pains As it is with many workouts, the possibility of injury in squats is not remote at all. When doing squats, you may experience some pains, and it helps to know what they are all about. Neck Pain If you hold the bar wrongly, squats can hurt your neck. Your muscles must support your weight and not the spine. If you squat with a loose upper back, the bar will stress your spine which is dangerous. Instead, you should squeeze your upper back before unracking the bar in the CrossFit gym. During your squats, stay tight so that the bar won’t move on your back and roll over to your neck. Never use a foam pad, wrap a towel around the bar, or a manta ray. These wrappings put the bar higher and further away from the hips. This, further makes it easier for you to lean forward, therefore, hurting your back. Simply hold the bar right without band-aid solutions. Wrist Pain Holding the bar with your hands will certainly hurt your wrists. This is because holding the weight presses your wrists down and bends them back thereby stretching them past their normal range of motion causing pain not just to your wrists, but also to your elbows. One of the ways to avoid this is supporting the bar with your upper back muscles which are bigger and stronger. Another cause of wrist pain is holding the bar too low. When you squat low bar, it must rest between your rear shoulders and traps. If it rests at low, it will slide down as you squat. This will force your hands to hold it back which causes wrist pain. You can temporarily use wrist wraps to give you support, but at the end of it all, it is your form and equipment that you have to fix. Knee Pain This pain occurs when your knees cave in or travel too far forward. When squatting, push your knees to the side and your hips back at the same time. Go down gradually until your hip crease is below the top of your knees. Squatting like this strengthens the muscles around the knees thereby enhancing support for the knee joint. Other types of squat pain include hip pain, lower back pain, groin pain, and elbow pain. If you concentrate on your form during CrossFit training, most of these pains will go away.
When you switch up your CrossFit diet and workout routine, you expect some changes in your muscle growth process. However, this progress may decline or even come to a halt despite your continued efforts. The question many CrossFitters ask is, what causes such a decline in muscle growth? Numerous factors are influencing the ability of your body to pack on gains. Some of these contributing factors include diet, fitness program, sleep schedule, and even your state of mind. Knowing which of these affect you can help in putting you back on the road to packing more muscles. Inadequate Sleep If you are not getting quality sleep every night you go to bed; your muscle growth process will be affected. Sleep inadequacy increases the level of cortisol hormone which wreaks havoc on your human growth hormone. Also, the ability of your body to store glycogen is inhibited, and this has a negative impact on muscle growth. To fix this, target about 71/2 hours of sleep every day and keep your stress levels low as you go to bed. Insufficient Protein Intake If you want to add more muscle, you need to increase your protein intake. The reason is simple; protein has amino acids which are the compounds responsible for repair and buildup of muscle tissue. Failure to consume enough amino acids may hinder muscle growth. As part of your CrossFit nutrition, include approximately 7.7 grams of protein per kilogram of your bodyweight. This means, if you are weighing 200 pounds, your protein intake should range from 109 to 154 grams daily. You can combine both plant-based and animal-based proteins to fuel your muscles. Alcohol Intake Muscle growth tends to be hindered by excessive intake of alcohol. When you drink too much of alcohol, your body system summons the antioxidants used for muscle growth and instead redeploys them to metabolize the alcohol. To fix this, it would be a lot of good to cut out alcohol altogether or limit yourself to 1 or 2 indulgences per week. Also, take several glasses of water so that you can reduce the number of drinks you consume in total. Too Much Cardio Cardio is great for fat loss, but if you overdo it, it can suppress your muscle growth process and instead initiate a muscle-burning or catabolic state. Remember your goals are to increase in strength and size and these cardio workouts must not dominate your workout. You may include high-intensity interval training workouts and some cardio sessions into your workout of the day program, but your priority should be in weight training first. Dehydration It is good if you focus on ingesting proteins and carbs to bulk up, but to stay hydrated is equally important. Water is critical for the digestion process which means if you don’t get enough of it, it negatively impacts the digestion process. Your muscles will lack the essential nutrients, and your CrossFit gym performance will dive. Ensure you train all muscles not just the trophy muscles and mix things up. CrossFit is good at this, and if you maintain the discipline, you will get the best results.
CrossFitters who are true to the spirit of rigorous training activity may experience a sense of boredom on rest days, and this can dampen the benefits meant for such a day. There is a feeling somewhere at the back of your head which is hard to shake off making you believe that there is something that you are missing out on by taking a rest. It is important to know that though stamina, strength, and speed are important in CrossFit training, rest is equally vital. You can only go for so long before your body begins to rebel in an attempt to recover. By varying the way, you rest, your body can have ample time to recuperate while at the same time keeping your mind at ease. Dangers of Not Taking Rest Days Unless you are cut from a different stone, your body requires a break at some point. CrossFit as a sport is structured in a way that breaks down muscle so that it can rebuild them up. However, if the rest period is not integrated, the muscle breakdown initially meant for a good cause can begin hindering development. Strength loss, fatigue, and injury are concerns that come up when you are too active at a level that is intense and demanding. Overtraining will hinder your physical abilities and can also have a detrimental effect on the state of your mind. If your body doesn’t operate to the expected standards, your mind begins taking a toll leading to irritation, frustration, and lack of concentration. This is why you are not doing anybody a favor by taking a day off. When Should Rest Days Be A majority of CrossFit training experts are of the opinion that rest days should be planned for the 4th day. This means 3 days of workouts and 1 day off. People with little flexibility in their schedule patterning rest days this way gives them a fantastic option which ensures the body gets some relaxation. On the other hand, if you have a tight schedule that only leaves specific days open, having 2 days rest per week is a good option. You can either set these days in advance if you love prediction and regularity. Thursdays and Sundays can be your days off. That said, it is important to listen to your body. If you are feeling run down, it may help laying low for that day waiting for your body to be up again. Spending Your Rest Days There is no script cast in stone that outlines how rest days should be spent. Remember this opportunity is to help you ease your tight muscles and get the maximum possible recovery benefits. Even though you are not in the CrossFit gym, you can incorporate some light cardio, stretching, and a little bit of yoga just to spice things up. If you love adventure, you can consider swimming, hiking, or just walking around trying to work up your heart rate.
When lifting a barbell overhead, you have an option of a simple shoulder press or a complex jerk. The shoulder press is mainly for hypertrophy. In the middle of the complexity of a jerk, lies the push press which is an excellent CrossFit workout for every athlete. Looking at it from a physical standpoint, the push press is important in helping you develop a stable trunk while at the same time highlighting deficiencies in your mobility. They also help you to train heavy loads overhead in a proper strength endurance format. Push press is dynamic, and it recruits the lower body and trunk, making it an excellent way to push heavy rep schemes way beyond 15 reps. Push Press Training Cues Several training cues can help you perfect push press. Some of them include: The Grip When doing push press, the width of the grip should be slightly outside the shoulders. If you find yourself having a rough time rotating your shoulders externally or you have large biceps, try a wider grip. Some CrossFitters start their push press with the same rack position as that used in a standing shoulder press. This is incorrect because it places your body at a mechanical disadvantage and makes it vulnerable to shudder-to-shoulder injuries. Contrary to the shoulder press, the push press requires that your upper arm be parallel to the floor in a position similar to that of a front squat. This will make your wrist slightly cocked, and the barbell well gripped. Prepare to Dip The push press uses the lower body and trunk in a dynamic way to get the barbell overhead. For this reason, the setup needs to be different from the press. The goal here is to maintain a stacked spinal column while at the same time exhibiting force throughout the lift. To achieve this, take a wide stance with your feet externally rotated and toes out. The stance you take should be similar to that of the front squat CrossFit exercise. The Dip Before heading to the dip and drive, take a large belly breath and hold it. This will not only protect your lower back but also help in facilitating a transfer of energy from the legs to the barbell via the trunk. When beginning the dip, flex slightly at the knees as you push them out in the same way you should do in a squat. This is meant to be a quick movement because it is shallow and violent. The Drive This is nothing more than a redirection force. Performing the drive is hugely dependent on creating tense musculature throughout your trunk and legs as you quickly extend your knees, hip, and ankles. Putting it Overhead The moment you initiate the drive, the barbell should then hop upwards. This is where you need to utilize your upper body and finish the lift. Compared to the other phases, this is a rather weightless phase you should finish by rotating the arms into a similar position as that of a shoulder press. When the bar is knocked out and your feet stable and flat, you can lower your barbell to its original rack position. Push press is a specific CrossFit training tool whose purpose and the outcome will be determined by how well you execute it.
Box jumps are one of the foundational movements in CrossFit and are responsible for working out your body muscles. However, for you to reap the maximum possible benefits from this CrossFit training movement, you have to do it right. It is common to see and hear people performing box jumps in a rather inefficient manner. For instance, some of them have heavy landing which places a significant amount of stress on their joints which may lead to injury. The best way to do box jumps is to absorb the landing impact throughout the entire body in a controlled and soft manner. Insufficient mobility in one part of the body will make you accommodate the forces through another plane of movement, and this may affect your form when working out. For you to competently perform box jumps, you require sufficient control in all the joints involved. During takeoff and landing, your ankles, knees, and hips should all stay in alignment. A good landing requires that your ankles, knees, and hips absorb the force while the muscles on the opposite sides of the joints should work in partnership to allow the extensor muscle group to lengthen and after that shorten to control joint bending. In some athletes, this range of motion doesn’t come automatically, and often their muscles fail to change length making the athletes land with locked joints. This causes a kind of jarring sensation and reduces the ability to move easily following the landing. There are three main components which come to bear in vertical force management when performing box jumps. Unlocking the Hips This involves a small movement which lowers your body center of gravity while at the same time maintaining a vertical trunk. This releases tension in the lower back and hip flexors which makes the spring action possible in the hips. In turn, this allows for glute activation and efficient functional motor patterning. Well, separating spinal movement from hip movement is important. It is unsurprising to see athletes coupling back extension with hip flexion which compresses the lumbar spine and compromises the spine. Dropping the Center of Gravity When performing the air squat CrossFit workout, it is easy to see how it drops the center of gravity. This exercise requires hip, knee, and adequate ankle mobility as well as the ability to control your balance point. If you want to find your balance point, try sitting in a squat and then shift your weight from your heel to your ball of foot until you get to a comfortable position. Once you get to this position, try dropping into your squat and then bounce back out of it with minimal effort. If you can master this, shock absorption in box jumps will become much easier. Shock Absorption If your knees and hips do not absorb the forces arising from box jumps, they will be forced downwards, causing a collapse of the ankle and foot. Alternatively, they may shunt up into the sacroiliac or hip joint. Smooth and coordinated hip and knee bending make the vertical forces to flow down and out. If at the hip and knee, this motion is blocked, the pelvis will stop moving downwards, and this will cause the force from above to crash into your lower back. To stay injury free and to prevent stress in your joints, it is important to concentrate on your box jump form to ensure you are in the right frame to undertake this CrossFit exercise.
The flexibility and marvelous strength engineered to your lower back make it vulnerable to developing lots of problems. Also, since the lower back is a channel through which nerves run through the spine into the other parts of your body, a slight problem with your back may cause hip problems, leg pain, and much more. While lifting a heavy object, making a sudden movement or twisting as in CrossFit training, the lower back can be injured. These activities cause your ligaments or muscles to stretch or even develop microscopic tears. With time, repetitive stress or poor posture may also cause muscle strain or soft tissue problems. How to Prevent Lower Back Pain The lumbar spine has a total of 5 motion segments. Most bending and twisting is done among those segments. However, the lowest two segments known as L4-L5 and L5-S1 do most of the movements and hence susceptible to wearing down or even getting injuries. The following are some of the tips to help prevent the occurrence of injuries and pain. Exercising Your Core If you want to support your lower back and prevent occurrences of injuries, you need to build strong core muscles. Low impact cardiovascular workouts such as exercise walking enhance blood flow to the spine. This, in turn, supplies healing nutrients as well as hydration to the structures that make your lower back. In case you cannot exercise for one reason or the other, make small goals to get up and move up and down your stairs at least 3 times in a row. You can also sit on an exercise ball or walk with a friend for about 20 minutes. Rectify Your Posture The foremost thing your coach will train you on in the CrossFit gym is on posture. Poor posture pressurizes your back and may cause the degenerated discs to become even more painful. The best way to support the natural curve of your lower spine is by using an ergonomic chair and always checking on your posture as you work during the day. If you sit for a greater part of the day, ensure you set aside at least half an hour to get up and walk. Improve Your Physical Health The spine is all you have and reflects the overall health of your body. If you can do anything to improve your fitness and health, your lumbar spine will benefit as well. For instance, drink lots of water, desist from taking inflammatory diets, minimize alcohol intake, and stop smoking. Ensure you also get enough sleep because too little sleep can affect your back or cause pain. Stretch Your Hamstrings Tight hamstrings are one of the major causes of lower back pain. Try incorporating hamstring stretching exercises into your CrossFit workout of the day to decrease the pressure on the pelvis and give your lower back the much-needed relief. Not every hamstring stretching approach is good for your back condition, but your therapist can guide you on that. Anyone who has had to deal with lower back pain can tell you how fast it can immobilize. The above tips and much more out there can minimize flare-ups of back pain.
CrossFit is a workout based on functional movements. It provides the ability for the muscles to perform real-life challenges with high intensity. It is developed to enhance an individual’s competency at all physical tasks. With the help of it, athletes get trained to perform successfully at diverse, multiple, and randomized physical challenges. CrossFit is certainly a great way to stay fit and get some variety for those who already have a strong base and solid aerobic. How is CrossFit Training Different? CrossFit is one of the efficient ways to get in shape whether you are a sedentary desk jockey or a world-class athlete. The training will be different in weight and endurance, but the approach is same, and everybody can improve in the ten generally recognized physical skills: Cardiovascular and respiratory endurance Stamina Speed Agility Power Accuracy Coordination Flexibility Balance Strength  Benefits of CrossFit Training: The intense CrossFit workouts help in weight loss. It will release lactic acid and also boost metabolic rate. You will be able to burn calories for about 12 to 14 hours after your workout, depending on how intense it was. The CrossFit training helps to tone your muscles. Whenever you lose the fat, your body will look toned, and the jiggly bits that used to be the bane of your existence will melt away revealing a svelte or sinewy body, depending on your gender. It helps thousands of people to have fantastic body transformations. It increases strength, stamina, and energy that not only improves your fitness level but also built up your confidence level. CrossFit is more than just a training program. It takes a lot of willpower since it is so challenging. Many people, who try it, give up easily. However, those who go with it for 2 to 3 months will notice how beneficial it is. Once you see your excess fat is decreasing and your muscles starting to show, you will be motivated and include each CrossFit workout in your routine with excitement.