To ensure a proper running posture, form, gait, and efficiency, you need sufficient hip extension. Without knowing, some athletes engaged in CrossFit training suffer from restricted or inhibited hip extension. This may lead to the decreased running economy, overstriding, poor movement patterns, and the potential risk of injury. The most reliable muscle and primary hip extensor in your body is the gluteus maximus. When this muscle is well developed, it allows for better bipedal locomotion as well as improved running ability. In order to perform the most basic and primitive movement patterns, you need a proper activation of the hip extension and glute max motion. This is particularly necessary when performing exercises such as throwing, jumping, punching, bridging of the hips, squatting, swinging an object among others. When you have limitations in gluteus maximus or hip extension activation, your static posture will also be affected. Why Hip Extension Maybe Restricted There are many reasons behind the limited hip extension. The key is to find the source of your particular restriction as this will open the avenue to the most efficient and effective treatment. The very common problems of hip extension restriction according to CrossFit training, includes: Hip flexor contractures Tightness or thickening of anterior hip capsule following a period of prolonged immobilization Articular or bony defects Movement pattern avoidance due to previous injuries or a conscious attempt to avoid perceived pain In addition to the above, poor ankle mobility can also limit your hip extension in gait. How to Improve Your Hip Extension A few of the above and other restriction may require dedication and time to resolve. However, some of them can be resolved quickly which is good news for any athlete. Tissue extensibility issues are the ones that may require dedication and lots of work to respond because they are a bit slow. You may need to devote up to 5 minutes of stretching a day for 3 months straight to start realizing some real tissue length changes. In the event you have multiple issues occasioned by a restriction in your hip extension, you may need the help of your instructor in the CrossFit gym to pursue a combination of techniques which address both the slow responding issues and the rapid responding neuromuscular issues. Among the techniques used to correct hip extension issues include: Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) This technique from CrossFit training can be undertaken using some instruments including Graston tools, the end of a reflex hammer, and Gua Sha tools. The IASTM technique helps in increasing hip extension and may result in prompt changes to your hip extension ROM. The advice is to seek the help of a physical therapist or a trainer especially if you don’t have any knowledge of this technique. Hip Reset Technique This method of correcting hip reflection issues quickly reduces spasm or hypertonicity and allows for a much greater hip extension. Doing a set of 10 to 15 reps should enable you to record some improvements. For this technique to have lasting results, you need to repeat it now and then. Other techniques to include in your CrossFit workout schedule are joint mobilization, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching, and lunge position stretch.
Many teens know that CrossFit is a training regime that combines Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics, and other forms of intense workouts. However, only a few of them know precisely how CrossFit as a sport can benefit them at a personal level. There are some teens to whom CrossFit is nothing but all about sore muscles and injuries. The questions most teens ask themselves revolves around the exclusivity of CrossFit. This sport stereotyped for a particular category of people who are considered fit and ready to roar. However, the fact is, CrossFit workouts are for everyone and including teens. You can quickly scale or modify your workout depending on your level of ability.To emphasize the fact that CrossFit has no discrimination, CrossFit Games and Open have a teenager division as a way to encourage competition among teens. That being said, enlisted below are some of the reasons why you need to get into CrossFit as a teenager. Staying Fit and in Shape If you have ever dreamt of being fit and in good shape, CrossFit makes that a reality. You can pursue it for competition purposes or just to promote a healthy lifestyle. The workouts in CrossFit comprising Olympic lifting and gymnastic work exercise your different body muscles, and this helps in keeping your entire body in shape. Friendship and Relationship Building CrossFitting is not all about lifting and sweating. When you join a CrossFit gym, your fellow athletes become part of your life. You share the same knowledge and go through the same challenges of finishing tougher workouts. This community plays a crucial role in pushing you towards attaining your goal. Most teens who end up in CrossFit gyms establish long-term meaningful relationships. Long-term Health Promotion When you start CrossFit at a tender age, you are in essence training your brain to experience and appreciate fitness and good health. These are values that will stick with you even to old age. Most CrossFitters if not all enjoy diets such as paleo that focus on eating healthy for performance. Appreciating the role of diet and the various components of CrossFit nutrition can boost your health in the long-term. Change of Mindset CrossFit doesn’t only exercise the body, but it has a significant impact on the brain as well. Before starting CrossFit, many teenagers are usually stuck in the can’t moments of their lives. Through this intense sport characterized by hardcore exercises, teens get to push themselves to their limits and prove that they can. They break down limiting barriers and overcome even the most challenging obstacles. This change of attitude is essential for personal development.In addition to the above benefits, beginner CrossFit workouts for teens can help in building confidence, release emotions, and basically add fun to their lives.