muscle growth

Diet Tips To Maximize Muscle Growth

muscle growth

In CrossFit, building muscle is not an easy task because it incorporates hard work, training, and discipline. Some athletes go through training cycles, but still, find it hard to show off their muscles. While there are so many other reasons behind this, one of the common and overlooked aspects of muscle building is CrossFit nutrition.

Packing muscles and reducing body fat helps in making our bodies tighter and gives us the opportunity to burn more calories thus resulting in a leaner body. The body system requires a certain combination of nutrients to build muscle. Gone are the days when you just concentrated on the number of calories. Today, you have to be careful about where the calories are coming from.


The debate around proteins is not about the viability of this nutrient in muscle building, but rather the required quantities for different levels of athlete activity. Currently, the recommendations are within the range of 0.5 grams and 2 grams per lb. of bodyweight. An athlete who weighs 150 lb. can take anything from 75 grams to 300 grams of protein per day.

protein diet for muscle growth

Protein plays a crucial role in the building, maintenance, as well as recovery of muscles. It has also been discovered that taking protein makes you feel fuller longer than before and helps in the burning of body fat. The important thing is to ensure you get enough protein so as to realize its benefits.


These are the main source of fuel. They provide you with energy to help you in powering through CrossFit workouts efficiently. The body system breaks down carbohydrates into glucose which it uses for energy or is stored as glycogen for future energy demands. To avoid a breakdown of protein during workouts, you need to take sufficient quantities of carbohydrates, particularly around the exercise time.

Carbohydrates for muscle growth
Before you begin your training, choose carbs that are slow burning such as rice, sweet potatoes, and pasta. The advantage of these is that they help in keeping your sugar levels consistent and help avoid crushes in energy. Post-training, carbs play a key role in repair and growth of muscles.


More than half your body system is made up of water. This means any dehydration leads to a sharp decline in the functioning of important body processes. Water is not a direct source of energy, but it plays an important role in transporting nutrients to the body cells. If you don’t hydrate properly, chances are you won’t last long in the CrossFit gym. Muscles look bigger and fuller when they are appropriately hydrated.

drinking water


If you are to gain sufficient body mass, it is critical that you maintain a caloric surplus. Setting this surplus may not be a smooth ride because athletes have varying caloric needs. For a start, you can choose a particular amount of calories, stick to it, and then monitor your body weight and your body composition. If you find that you are losing weight while your body composition is the same, you should consider adding more calories. On the contrary, if you are gaining weight and body fat, reduce the number of calories.

The above tips will point you towards the right direction, but consistency is what will deliver the ultimate prize. Motivate yourself and always remain consistent.
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