Five Clear Signs You May Be Out Of Shape
Your days may consist of running to and from work, cleaning up the house, taking care of family, and maybe slipping in some social time with your friends and you may feel like there’s no time to exercise. Even if you can make time to the gym, the idea of getting sweaty and working so hard might make you want to slip even further into your couch cushions. If that’s the case, there’s a good chance you could be out of shape and have a difficult time performing even the simplest of physical fitness tests. Here are five major signs that you should kick your daily activity level up a notch because you’re probably not as in shape as you think you might be.
You are unable to do push-ups
Push-ups are a good test of your physical fitness, as one is able to utilize the muscles in their backs, shoulders, arms, and core. To perform a perfect push-up, you must be able to lower yourself with your arms tucked close to your body before pushing yourself back up. Although this is a tough exercise, anyone who is physically fit should be able to knock out at least a few push-ups. If you’re struggling to perform a couple of push-ups, start with your knees on the ground, and as you get stronger, you can adjust the move to your fitness level but, don’t give up. They get easier with time as your heart rate takes a long time to slow down
When you’re exercising, your heart beats faster to pump the needed oxygen throughout your body faster. Your heart rate could be anywhere between 140 and 190 beats per minute, depending on your age, when you’re considerably exerting yourself. When you stop, your heart rate will decrease gradually until it’s back at a normal pace. If you’re out of shape, however, it could take much longer. This means that the fitter you are, the faster you’ll recover.
Your waist circumference has grown larger
You should always check your waist circumference to know whether you are carrying excess body fat around your abdomen area. Although one’s amount of weight is not necessarily an indicator of one’s fitness level, carrying excess weight around your middle could mean you are not as in shape as you should be. Also, more weight around your midsection area could mean trouble for your heart, kidneys, liver, digestive organs, and pancreas.
You always feel tired
Taking a look at a gym, one may rush to think that those who are exerting the most energy probably feel exhausted for the remainder of their day. That’s never the case; working out regularly is the key to being alert and energized during the day. You’ll feel naturally more awake if you find time for some level of physical activity even if you can only do a quick walk during lunch.
You have a high resting heart rate
While it’s important to do some heart-pumping exercises for your health, your heart rate at rest would always be slower. A lower heart rate usually means your ticker functions better, and you’re more fit. If you feel like your heart is racing all the time, this could mean you’re quite out of shape. A normal resting heart rate for an adult should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute. An easy way to check your pulse is by placing your index and third finger on the side of your neck beneath your jawline and counts the beats for a minute.
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