Reasons Why Every Cross Training Athlete Needs Omega 3s
According to the American Heart Association, fatty acids can reduce triglyceride levels and helps keep our arteries clear. Without a healthy heart, you cannot go much far as a CrossFit athlete, and this is why you need to consider Omega 3 as a must-have supplement to boost your field performance. To give you a preview of what Omega 3 does, it speeds up your post-workout recovery, increases your gains, and works on your cardiovascular health to regularize your heartbeats.
Unlike other nutrients which your body makes on its own, it cannot make Omega 3 fatty acids. It entirely depends on your dietary intake. This means your CrossFit diet should consist of foods such as avocados, nuts, and fish.
Omega 3s are available in 3 main varieties: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The long chain fatty acids which comprise EPA and DHA, are found in fish oil supplements, fish, and algae extract. ALA is the short chain form of Omega 3, and it is commonly found in plant sources such as flaxseeds, nuts, chia seeds, olive oil, and avocado. The following is a short discussion of the various benefits that Omega 3 has on your athletic life.
Speeds Up Your Exercise Recovery
Following a tough training session, your muscles are usually left with some microscopic tears. Ironically, when these tears heal, they make you much stronger, faster, and more significant. Omega 3s are potent compounds in fighting inflammation, and they make the recovery process possible.
Makes You Stronger
To score the 20-inch biceps that you have been striving for, you need to pump in more iron. Omega 3 helps in this process. In addition to slowing down the muscle breakdown process, taking Omega 3 fatty acids enhances protein synthesis which means quick transform of diet protein into your biceps.
Limits Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
As an extension of its inflammation-fighting ability, Omega 3 helps in fighting delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). This condition usually leaves you limping for some days after hitting the squat rack. Omega 3 supplementation reduces your level of perceived pain markedly and improves your range of motion post CrossFit exercise.
Boosts Your Reaction Time
The human brain consists of 60% fat. Omega 3 fatty acids help in improving cognitive functioning as well as play a crucial role in visual processing and signaling. There are certain vital components of muscle membranes, neurons, and nerve endings that consist of fatty acids. A study was done and published in the Journal of Sports Science, and Medicine shows that soccer players dramatically improved their reaction four weeks into a diet of fish oil supplementation.
Makes Your Muscles Work Better
By helping in the timely transmission of signals from one cell to another, the Omega 3s in your neurons, nerve endings, and muscle membranes direct the overall neuromuscular function. In one study, male athletes who supplemented with EPA and DHA in their CrossFit nutrition witnessed an increased thigh function by about 20%.
Other benefits include keeping you light on your feet, making your workouts feel more comfortable, and keeping your bones from snapping.