Strengthening Your Bones – The Pillars of a Healthy and Athletic Body

Strengthening Your Bones – The Pillars of a Healthy and Athletic Body

There has been a misconception about bone health that has led to the lack of concern amongst many people. A majority of people think that bone health is only an issue of the aged. As long as an individual is years away from that age where they need to start worrying about their general body health including bones, there is no point fact-finding on bone health.

On the contrary, taking care of your bones is a matter that you need to involve yourself with now. According to research, when a person attains the age of 18, close to 90% of their bones are solidified. By the time they reach the age of 30, the chances of success in bone density enhancements become slim. However, the good thing is nutrition and exercise can have a profound impact on improving and maintaining bone strength.

Incorporating Calcium into Your Diet

calcium diet

Calcium is simply the backbone of bone health. Science tells us that bones are alive and in the process of constantly remodeling. This happens through the addition and removal of bone tissue in a process known as bone turnover. If you are getting sufficient CrossFit nutrition and your level of exercise is commendable, your body system will consistently add bone material until you attain the age of 30 and beyond.

Even though bone turnover starts declining at the age of 30, nutrition and life choices can help support the density, health, and strength of your bones. Your bones are home to over 99% of the calcium in your body. By enhancing calcium intake, you can optimize bone formation and strength. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for calcium is 1,000 milligrams per day for both men and women.

Some of the foods to include in your CrossFit diet include dairy products, soy products, kidney beans, and cruciferous green veggies.

Vitamin D

 Vitamin D Rich Foods

Vitamin D plays a supportive role in bone strengthening. It does so by enhancing the absorption of calcium in the body. The richest source of vitamin D is sunshine through its UVB rays. When these rays come into contact with your skin, they cause a series of reactions that culminate in the formation of vitamin D which is also referred to as calcitriol.

The factors affecting the absorption of UVB rays include your geographical location, your lifestyle, your skin pigmentation, and usage of sunscreen. Most of the people are vitamin D deficient because they do not get as much time out on the sun and the foods they eat do not have as much vitamin D as the body requires. You may decide to supplement if you find yourself in a situation where your daily vitamin D requirements are not met.

Resistance Training

crossfit workout

Having taken care of diet above, you should finish it up with exercise. Working with weights is an important process in the preservation and enhancement of bone strength. The reason behind this is simple; resistance training is a direct stress-or to your bone system. In order to adapt, your body responds by increasing bone cells which in turn add bone material.

Incorporating weight bearing CrossFit exercises for two or three times a week can do the job incredibly well. Some of the workouts to include are bodyweight squats, push-ups, jumping rope, jogging, and walking.

The bottom line for adding bone material and enhancing your bone density is to stay healthy, stay active, and stay strong.

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