CrossFit exercises such as lifting, bodyweight training and high-intensity interval (HIIT) training can help you swiftly get in shape?  Boxing, on the other hand, assures both the physical training and burning exercise. With boxing, you can burn up to double the calories in less time while doing the rotational and repetitive movements.  The workout may be a little tougher, but the results are worth the grind. Fighter-Style HIIT CrossFit Exercises Most of the moves in this training are structured as high-intensity interval training. They are short and intense bursts of workouts with minimal rest. This works out multiple muscle groups while at the same time, maintains the healthy heart rate. The workout is divided into three phases as follows: Phase 1 – Bodyweight and Jump Rope Do a set of rope jumping which takes about 2 minutes. Follow this with a set of pushups 10 reps and shoulder tap 1 set, 30 reps. After that, go for rope jumping one set 1 minute, pushups 1 set 15 reps and shoulder tap 1 set 50 reps. After that go back to rope jumping for one set 1 minute. Pick up the repeats and position yourself for pushups: one set with 20 reps and then shoulder tap one set of 70 reps, and one set of rope jumping for one minute. Now do pushups one set i.e. 25 reps, and then finish with shoulder tap of one set with 90 reps. Phase 2 – Boxing Intervals Do a 5 rounds circuit of punches. If you don’t have a boxing bag, you can shadow box using light dumbbells. Phase 3 – High-Intensity Interval Training Full Body Battle This consists of a circuit of 3 to 4 rounds of battling ropes, sledge push, box jump, pull-ups, tire flips, sledgehammer swings, barbell deadlift, and running on a treadmill. Make the rest periods in between movements as shorter as possible. You can do the first and second phases at home, but the third one should be done in a gym. This is because of the access to equipment. Each of the above phases is intense in its own respect, but more importantly, it acts as a forward loop to the next phase. Jumping rope and boxing are two CrossFit exercises that give both your lower and upper body muscles the warm-up to take you through the intense rounds ahead. Between the second and third phase, activate your glute by doing about 15 steps of lateral band walks. In case you do not have a sledgehammer or a tire, you can use a dumbbell as a substitute. Hold the weight between your knees while positioning yourself in a wide squat. Then, jump forward 10 long jumps. Immediately after, do single arm bent-over rows for 10 to 15 reps on either side.      
In the world of fitness, one of the most challenging movements is lifting an object from a squat position all the way to an overhead position; the same is the CrossFit thruster workout. CrossFit thruster workout has been around for such a long time. However, in the past few decades, its popularity has increased thanks to competitive fitness sports. Have a look at some of the tips on how to do CrossFit thruster workouts and how you can use dumbbells along thruster workouts: The CrossFit Thruster Workout A thruster is a movement in which you descend to the bottom of a front squat and then accelerate upwards. Once you get to the end of your upward explosion, complete the lift with a shoulder pressing motion. This movement is beneficial in enhancing cardiovascular endurance, fitness, and sport-specific performance. It is critical in both Olympic weightlifting and CrossFit training. Thrusters are suitable for you if you are slow out of a squat when recovering from cleans. Using Dumbbells for Thrusters Dumbbells can help you expand the benefits of this workout. When you perform this work out well, your neural systems and muscles will be trained adequately. However, when training with a singular piece of equipment such as a barbell, some asymmetries may go unaddressed. With dumbbells, you will benefit from optimal injury resilience, muscular movement, and coordination. At one point or the other during your training, you may be injured. When this happens, the injury may make barbell variations unbearable to the shoulder and wrist. For this reason, dumbbells come handy; you can use them to have a wide array of wrist angle and overhead positionings. These variations will also stabilize your joints, maximize the joint capsule and enhance the movement of integrity. Much like any new movement, a CrossFit dumbbell thruster requires the neurological system to adapt to the stability demands and new imbalances. Dumbbells will help you solidify proper technique and synchronize the body motion. Once you develop this new balance, transitioning to another fixed object or the barbell becomes less challenging in coordination and stability. The secret lies in performing the Crossfit thruster workout in the right way to reap the maximum benefits from the movement.    
Weightlifting and strength training programs are excellent if you want to get into shape or become physically fit. While following a healthy workout regime is great, exercising without guidance and training can be challenging.  In this weight training guide, we will help you know steps, guidelines, and rules on the best exercises to try if you have just started exercising. If you have followed a strict diet or have done cardio before and have failed to witness the remarkable results, try strength training.  This way you train your body consistently, perhaps twice a week for about 12 weeks to witness the benefits like: Enhanced muscle contractile strength Improved tendon strength Increased size of muscle fiber Improved ligament strength When the above happens to you, you will feel healthier and less prone to injuries. Basic Lifting Etiquette Lifting is not just entering the gym and holding barbells, dumbbells or other heavy equipment in; instead, there are some lifting etiquettes also.   When lifting, carry a towel with you. And after the lifting, don’t leave until you wipe off the benches, machines, and equipment that you have used. In case you have used barbells or any other equipment that requires re-racking, ensure you do so before leaving the gym. If you are using a machine that another person is waiting for, don’t rest for extended periods. This can be inconveniencing for others as well.  Mistakes to Avoid Irrespective of your background, weight training is another sphere altogether that requires you to watch out for some common mistakes that can derail your performance. For instance, the weights you see in the gym are for different stages in your journey. Lifting too much too soon can undermine your form and expose you to injuries. Take your time before going through repetitions as some of the perks of weightlifting come from muscle tension during slow and controlled movements. Also, make sure to get enough rest, not too long, or too short; aim for having 30 to 90 seconds of rest. Weight Training Workouts While there are several workouts you can try, the best approach is to have a coach who takes you through each workout at least for the first few days. Some of the weight training workouts you can target are: Leg press Treadmill Butterfly Triceps pushdown Machine shoulder press Machine bicep curl Air bike Ab crunch machine These workouts will help you maintain overall health and fitness especially to the beginners who have never done any workout before. Critical Training Tips For effective training, ensure that you stay hydrated; take about 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. When it comes to diet, eat small portions but make sure to consume balanced meals at least 30 to 60 minutes before your workout. Always keep a record of your activities in the gym and track your progress. There is no greater satisfaction than knowing that you are doing the right thing towards your goal.        
It is almost impossible to talk about Cross Fitness training without mentioning diet. This is mainly because of the key role diets play in the achievement of your CrossFit goals. Both Keto and Paleo are major parts of CrossFit diet, but they focus on different foods. The real difference between Keto and Paleo are the food restrictions they recommend.  In Paleo, the aim is to eat the way our ancestors ate when their digestive systems were still evolving. This means unprocessed foods and no grains. Paleo prohibits eating products from modern farming because they have evolved faster than our body systems. The protein levels in Paleo make it an ideal diet for anyone looking to build muscle. Additionally, it makes you feel good. Keto, on the other hand, focuses on ratios: the moderate protein, high fat, and zero carbs. Since CrossFit integrates science into its WODs, it is also in order to put in some science in nutrition. The Paleo diet has the no grains rule and because of this, CrossFitters on this diet consume fewer carbohydrates. The litmus test for Keto is whether you are really in ketosis. It is often argued that people on Paleo diet find themselves in ketosis without being hyper-focused on it as a goal. Understanding Ketosis If you know glycolysis, the normal metabolic pathway through which your body cells convert energy from glucose, then you have a slight idea of what ketosis is. If your CrossFit diet doesn’t give you any more glucose, your body cells will automatically switch to ketosis. This is a rather complex metabolic pathway where your body system gets energy by converting ketones which are essentially byproducts of fat. However, it must be emphasized that the body only undergoes ketosis in the absence of carbohydrates. The Benefits of Ketosis One pretty obvious benefit is that if your body burns fat, you are likely to shed off layers of adipose tissue that usually blanket the muscles underneath. Within the body system, Keto just like Paleo fights inflammation. Some other research studies in CrossFit diet, have found out that the lack of glucose in the body helps in fighting cancer. This is because cancer cells cannot use ketone bodies for energy. As a CrossFit athlete, you must pay attention to your macronutrient mix because lack of doing so may lead to depletion of energy. If you eat Paleo without considering your macronutrient ratios, you will end up having high protein levels, but low carbs and low fat. Keto, on the other hand, may lead to a depletion of protein. If your beginner CrossFit training plan includes Keto, you need to be careful because your body requires time to adapt. Paleo diet is more on fruit while Keto is inclined towards cheese and some unprocessed foods that contain high fat and low carb.