Nutrition is the cornerstone of the results that manifest in your fitness endeavor. If you get the nutrition wrong, you will experience difficulties shifting your body fat and enhancing muscle mass. It doesn’t matter if you never miss your workout of the day, the bottom line is your performance will feel stalled. There are athletes out there who are getting amazing results from the zone, paleo, or other forms of clean eating. In the same vein, some athletes get results from measuring their macronutrient intake while there are those who don’t measure and yet get results. In light of these huge variations in nutrition plans and approaches, it is important to know what separates those that work from the rest that simply crashes and burn. There are certain things you shouldn’t do in a training plan because they will never yield any results. The experts from CrossFit nutrition here discuss some of the top nutritional mistakes that unfortunately athletes continue committing. Unclear Priorities Take an instance where you want to improve your snatch. Most certainly, there are steps you will have to take in your training plan so as to make it happen. The approach will be different from that designed to achieve fitness in another workout. In the same way, when thinking about CrossFit nutrition, you should program it in such a way that it meets your fitness goals. If you don’t have clear priorities, it becomes very difficult to link your plan to the priorities. Decide on your priorities and ensure your diet plan works to drive you there and not act as an obstacle. Abusing the Off Day Rest days are very critical and should form part of every CrossFit training routine. Days off enhance your recovery and are important to keep you balanced and sane. However, the biggest problem is that some CrossFit athletes do not plan these off days in their diets. Instead, they are seen more as days in which the athletes may indulge as they rebel from their saintly kitchen behaviors. When you have this mindset, a single cheat day will turn into many cheat days and this will ruin your nutrition plan. Make your cheat day part of your plan. Failure to Evaluate and Adjust Tracking results is important in any project, training program, and just about anything that you do. Since nutrition accounts for a higher percentage of the changes you experience, it is crazy not to evaluate and reevaluate your nutrition on a regular basis. On average, people think that their diet is healthy, but in a real sense, it is not. According to CrossFit nutrition, you can start off by tracking every food and drink that goes into your body system for at least a fortnight. This will give you an idea of the calories you are packing into your system or simply how healthy your meals are. Following the Hype Going with the flow is the most dangerous approach to training and CrossFit nutrition. Just like the fact that you cannot go high-fiving everyone during your bench press sessions simply because the other person is doing their thing, in nutrition, it works the same way. Don’t go with the hype in terms of supplements, trends, and what everyone is talking about. Have a solid plan informed by the foods that work. In nutrition, there is no fairness and equality. Even if you eat the same way as another person, you cant expect to get the same results. Therefore, design your own plan, tweak it, and make it truly yours.
Image Source: CrossFit Games CrossFit can best be described as a high-intensity sport involving fun, along with some fast-paced, gym-based workouts and exercises. It is a serious sport, and its growing global popularity attests to the fact that people are increasingly seeking CrossFit training methodologies to help them improve their health, get in shape, and lose weight. CrossFit involves lifting of heavyweights, but that should not intimidate you. The purpose of these weights is to make you stronger. Not every workout in CrossFit is timed, there are those which are not restrictive in terms of time, but their main focus is to help you get accustomed to the element of heavy lifting. They do this by teaching you the right technique and establishing the weight you can move safely.  How Effective is CrossFit to Overweight People? If you have been of the opinion that CrossFit is not for overweight people, you need to debunk that because CrossFit is for anyone. The positive side of CrossFit workouts is that they are scalable and can accommodate individual fitness levels as well as abilities. With the right workouts such as those discussed below, CrossFit can move you from the unfit zone to the table of the fitness in the industry. Workout 1 If you are badly out of shape and starting out your CrossFit journey, this is the workout to settle for. It lasts just 10 minutes, but it is thorough and touches the right places. Since you are a beginner, it will be unsurprising if your body expresses resistance to the endurance and effort needed to complete the workout. Your main focus should be on technique, and if at some point you feel like your form is slowly deteriorating, that is normal. What you should do is modify the CrossFit exercises to prevent injury. The workout consists of 5 assisted pull-ups, 5 push-ups, and 5 bodyweight squats. These are done in 10 minutes AMRAP which means as many rounds as possible. Workout 2 This workout consists of 5 back squats, 3 deadlifts, and 5 overhead presses. This combination is excellent for overweight people as it helps them to get used to lifting heavy weights. They also help blast fat. During the ordinary CrossFit sessions, these workouts would be timed. But because they are aimed at helping you address your overweight issue, the timing is done away with. Safety is the number one priority, which means you should maintain your form properly. Workout 3 This consists of 15 sit-ups and 15 lungees. It falls under the category of interval workouts, and it is great for building up your endurance. It will keep you motivated and work hard for much longer. Workout 4 This comprises wall balls and burpees. It is done in decreasing reps. It is flexible and allows you to break it down further to give yourself more time for recovery especially if you are a complete newbie or you are out of shape. The last workout consists of a 400-meter run, 10 assisted pull-ups, and 20 American kettlebell swings. If you find the running challenging, it is because you are slightly out of shape and you are not on your way to building endurance and enhancing your performance.
Bear Grips | 22 Nov 17