
The Training Guide to Becoming a Cross Training Champion

Many people come to CrossFit with the hope that one day they will scale the heights and top the list of CrossFit champions. However, this doesn’t come easy. What you do between now and the next CrossFit games will determine how far you can go in the competitions. You need a holistic CrossFit training perspective which brings in everything from nutrition to recovery. Your laser focus may just earn you the top spot on the podium and the much-coveted title of “Fittest Man on Earth.” If you are ready for this, below are some ideas to get you on the road.

Cutting the Junk

junk food

One of the biggest changes and sacrifices you will have to make is on your diet. If you have been eating terribly before, you need to streamline your diet so that it can go well with the CrossFit requirements. You may decide to count macros or stick to a specific nutrition philosophy such as eating 4 or 5 big meals a day which includes meat, vegetables, and some carbs. A good choice of diet will help you shed those extra pounds and put to an end the sugar-fueled roller-coaster of drastic dips or spikes in energy.

Change Your Training Regime

best workout

By its very nature, CrossFit consists of training diversity. No specific workout is idolized here because it is all about variations. You may start with strength training in the morning and then cardio in the evening. However, the best approach is to change the timing and format of your workouts from one day to the next. This will help you feel fitter and more prepared for the Games.

The 2016 CrossFit Games champion, Mat Fraser, says, he prefers lifting before the endurance training and even after the training. Irrespective of the circumstances, he knows the numbers he can hit.

Get the Help of an Expert

workout in coach guidance

You can’t be stronger in every aspect. There are some areas you will have incredible strength and some pockets of weaknesses. For instance, you may be rock solid in Olympic weightlifting, but coming in dead last on running events. It may not be straightforward tackling your weaknesses, and this is when you need a coach to work with you so that he can help fix your form and technique. In areas where you have less experience, an expert can help you build confidence.

Be Positive in Injuries

knee pain

Just like any other professional athlete, you will have your fair share of injuries in CrossFit. You may suffer fractured vertebrae or a torn meniscus. Your reaction to injuries will determine whether you will go on strongly or crash completely. For instance, rushing back to the gym following an injury may compromise recovery.

The best way ahead is to give your body time to heal and be positive throughout your injury time. Some injuries give you an opportunity to strengthen other workouts. For instance, a sore elbow will give you an opportunity to strengthen your squat. A sprained ankle, on the other hand, can give you a chance to hone your gymnastic skills.

Lastly, you have to learn how to embrace the suck. Some of the killer CrossFit workouts will induce temporary pain, and from time to time, you may hit a wall. Motivational self-talk can help you stick with a challenging workout and push through it.

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