4 Simple Reasons You Are Always Tired Even Before Doing Anything

4 Simple Reasons You Are Always Tired Even Before Doing Anything

If you always happen to suffer from that two o’clock fatigue syndrome, even in the morning hours, well this article is for you. Sometimes it’s not only lack of exercise or too much Cross Fit workout; it could be for some other reasons-

You’re not having enough sleep.

No Sleep

What most people know is that sleep is an essential part of our lives- what they don’t know is that it is not just about lying resting; actually, there’s a lot more going on inside while you are asleep. It is at this point that the human growth hormone is active most. The growth hormone is a protein made by the pituitary gland in the body; it is responsible for making muscles fine-tuned and the bones strong.

For this reason, having little sleep leads to fatigue, reduced strength and agility, and depression symptoms. At the end of your Crossfit workouts, you are going to need some good hours of sleep.

 You’re consuming too much junk food.

Junk Food

Many people think that sugar as a quick way to boost energy, but in the end, the effects are quite the opposite of expectations. For the Crossfitter, these are some type of foods you may want to skip or have very little of them.

Research indicates that junk food puts your body in a biological slow-motion. If you want to know some recommended work out foods you should eat, click here.

 You are not drinking enough water.

Drink more water

One common cause of fatigue is dehydration. A few glasses of water may be the spike that you need more than just sugar. Try to drink a lot of water to keep your mouth moist throughout the day. You will also need to drink enough water during pre and post workout sessions.

 You are not moving your muscles enough.

Muscles growth

You can jump-start your energy with activity as simple as walking. Whenever you trigger your muscles to some movement, nitric oxide is released from the artery linings to allow blood to move freely through your vessels. This activity allows more nutrients to your cells even faster. Likewise, your body will always respond to your actions; it adapts to what you let it do!


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