Without a proper muscle workout plan, training may seem like guesswork. While the goal is clear, getting to it can be a hurdle without the knowledge of the right set of exercises. So, instead of wasting time flying blind, try the following exercises to help you transform your body and pack-on muscles just as you want it. Back Muscles Experts recommend wide-grip pull down for width and prone dumbbell row for thickness. There are two critical kinds of pulling exercises you should target if you want to build your back muscles: vertical and horizontal. While horizontal exercises bring together all rowing variations, vertical workout includes pull-down and pull-ups. The dumbbell row mainly focuses on your traps, lats, and rhomboids to increase your back thickness. Vertical pulling includes lats, which aids in enhancing the width of your back muscles. Quads The best exercise for quads is front squat. Placing the bar right across the front of your shoulders forces your torso to maintain an upright posture. This hits the quads more efficiently than doing the back squat. If your wrist flexibility is wanting, use the cross-arm grip instead of a clean grip as handles.  Hamstrings The Romanian deadlift is the go-to exercise for hamstrings workouts. This is a functional exercise to include in your muscle workout plan, as it burns calories and contributes to weight loss. When doing this, keep your knees slightly bent and your hips in backward position making them cause hinge. You can try, Romanian deadlifts anywhere, be it a court, field, or any combat sports athlete ground. This is because the movements of this exercise match the patterns involved in jumping, sprinting, and rotating. Calf Raise The all-time favorite exercise of athletes is calf raise. Calves packs soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. While the Soleus muscles are exercised during seated calf raises, the gastrocnemius muscles get worked during standing calf raises. Straight-knee and bent knee positions are the best for calf development. Also, running and walking make calves tight. Therefore, you should avoid bouncing out-of-the-bottom of your reps during either exercise. Try holding the bottom of your reps to include stretching in your workout regime as well as to enhance the muscle growth. Glutes Glutes are the most powerful muscles which mostly end-up being neglected. The barbell hip thrust is the best workout to maximize gluteal muscle. This exercise will strengthen your backside and will make your butt fuller and rounder. Use weights that you can push through anywhere and do at least 8 to 15 reps. To start, perform the movement on the floor and then move to the bench for a raised platform advantage. These are some of the body muscles and their respective workouts. Start your muscle workout plan with a goal in mind, look at the muscles involved, and pick the right exercises for them.  
The adage ‘a house is as strong as its foundation’ holds true even in competitive sports. If you want to enjoy CrossFit success or exemplify the principles of the sport in your day to day living, you must learn how to set the right foundation. The following steps will help you in getting the right footing. Conditions May Never be Perfect The best way to begin your journey to CrossFit success is getting a great box and a coach who shares your passion, goals, and inspiration. However, depending on your context, you may not have all these conditions available. For instance, the nearest gym from where you live could be miles away or too expensive for your budget. It is a pobability that you may not enjoy the class environment or coaching experience. The above limitations notwithstanding, you can still train to a high level of CrossFit success if you develop the right foundations. Looking back at the history of CrossFit, enthusiastic athletes started training in garage gyms and others in parks with minimal equipment. If they made it in this environment, so can you! Putting up the Right Foundation The knowledge of weightlifting and gymnastic skills has grown tremendously over the past decade. Today, the CrossFit industry has refined its knowledge of the required movements and how to perform them safely and correctly. Therefore, with all this information available, there is no excuse as to why you should not set the right foundations for CrossFit success. CrossFit athletes come from either of the backgrounds discussed below: Minimal or No Sports Experience This is where most athletes come from. They are driven by the desire and ambition to achieve phenomenal CrossFit success even though they have no prior experience at all.  Admittedly, CrossFit training can be quite intimidating if you are a newbie as there are loads of movements you must understand and execute correctly. If you are from such a background, the best approach is to start moving in the right direction. Start by learning proper technique and mobility. This foundation will ensure that you move on well with minimal if any injuries. Experience in Other Competitive Sports A lot of athletes coming into CrossFit have a background of competitive sporting in one discipline or the other. Such a background can be both a blessing and a curse. For instance, the athletes may have developed competence in conditioning or strength and hence able to take on specific CrossFit tasks very well. However, there is also a danger coming from such a background. The athletes may not have the foundational skill set required to grow their competence in CrossFit. If not addressed from the earliest point, this can jeopardize your chances of CrossFit success.  Understand Where to Begin The secret to getting started in CrossFit and point yourself towards success is to break up the complexity of the sport into manageable tasks. Then tackle one after another. CrossFit movements are many and varied but with the help of a personal trainer; you can put together a program that works for you. In this way, you can begin developing your baseline strength and conditioning. If you have ever thought of joining CrossFit, this is the best time to begin. Obstacles will always be there, however, nothing stands tall in the presence of determination.