In the world of fitness, one of the most challenging movements is lifting an object from a squat position all the way to an overhead position; the same is the CrossFit thruster workout. CrossFit thruster workout has been around for such a long time. However, in the past few decades, its popularity has increased thanks to competitive fitness sports. Have a look at some of the tips on how to do CrossFit thruster workouts and how you can use dumbbells along thruster workouts: The CrossFit Thruster Workout A thruster is a movement in which you descend to the bottom of a front squat and then accelerate upwards. Once you get to the end of your upward explosion, complete the lift with a shoulder pressing motion. This movement is beneficial in enhancing cardiovascular endurance, fitness, and sport-specific performance. It is critical in both Olympic weightlifting and CrossFit training. Thrusters are suitable for you if you are slow out of a squat when recovering from cleans. Using Dumbbells for Thrusters Dumbbells can help you expand the benefits of this workout. When you perform this work out well, your neural systems and muscles will be trained adequately. However, when training with a singular piece of equipment such as a barbell, some asymmetries may go unaddressed. With dumbbells, you will benefit from optimal injury resilience, muscular movement, and coordination. At one point or the other during your training, you may be injured. When this happens, the injury may make barbell variations unbearable to the shoulder and wrist. For this reason, dumbbells come handy; you can use them to have a wide array of wrist angle and overhead positionings. These variations will also stabilize your joints, maximize the joint capsule and enhance the movement of integrity. Much like any new movement, a CrossFit dumbbell thruster requires the neurological system to adapt to the stability demands and new imbalances. Dumbbells will help you solidify proper technique and synchronize the body motion. Once you develop this new balance, transitioning to another fixed object or the barbell becomes less challenging in coordination and stability. The secret lies in performing the Crossfit thruster workout in the right way to reap the maximum benefits from the movement.    
  Core exercises are very crucial in improving your balance and stability. They train your pelvis muscles, abdomen, hips, and lower back to function in harmony. The core includes the erector spinae, lower lats, and obliques fondly referred to as the traverse abdominis. When you talk about core training, you are basically engaged in CrossFit training that strengthens and develop these stabilizer muscles. The following are some of the workouts that can help build your core and your ab. Dumbbell Side Plank Rotation This exercise is a brilliant combination of scapular mobility and strength. If you want to build back lost range of motion in your shoulder blade during injury cycles when the shoulder region gets protective and tight, side plank rotations are the best. You can also add the top armload to give your upper shoulder rhomboid some extra work. Contralateral Glute Bridge Hold This is an excellent posterior chain and trunk drill which can help you build the main muscle connection between your shoulders and hips. Just in case you didn’t know, the connection between opposing shoulder and hip joints usually shows up in lots of human movement patterns. Two examples of such movement patterns including walking and running. Through this exercise, you can prepare your body for an upcoming running session. L Hang Flutter Kicks This is an absolute core crusher and an excellent way in which to work your overhead position. Truth be told, hanging is not an activity that gets enough time on any typical day. However, by increasing your hanging time, you can add to your stock of core CrossFit exercises which you can do when hanging from a bar or rings. The benefits of this practice include engaged flexor chain followed by a hollow body position which helps in reinforcing good alignment overhead while at the same time stimulating your anterior chain. Two Arm Turkish Sit-Up Turkish sit-up is one of the workouts that places a huge demand on the anterior core. It is an exercise that trains your shoulder and enhances your range of motion. It also helps in stabilizing your shoulder through the entire 90-degree range of motion. Two arms Turkish sit up has a fantastic carryover to overhead training. Rope L-Sit Pull Up This is an advanced upper pulling exercise which gives you an amazing grip challenge. You fully benefit from this, ensure you perform equal reps using each hand position. If you can combine the rope L-sit pull up with a lower body squat variation, you can get a superset that gives you lots of rest time in between sets. The last exercise is the ring mountain climber which is a moderate core exercise that you can do with ease in any CrossFit gym. It is often viewed as a precursor to the ring body saw workout. One of the skills the ring mountain climber exercise helps you develop is the flexion of the hip on a somewhat stable spine and hollow position.