Perform Chin Ups The Right Way: Complete Guide
Who does not want a slim body shape? Well, you can do different sorts of exercises but one of the most effective exercises is chin-ups.Â
However, some people are unable to get the hang of chin ups which results in complications and sometimes body strain. Now, when it comes to any exercise, you have to do it the right way.Â
Chin-ups for some people are hard and this post shares how to do them the simple and right way to get the desired results.Â
Chin Ups Vs. Pull-Ups
Image Source:Â https://images.app.goo.gl/ETBZJvNAUuQ3HNxu5
Let’s first compare chin-ups with pull-ups. When you do chin-ups, your palms are towards you while in pull-ups the palms are away. Chin-ups are useful when you are targeting biceps while push-ups are for the people who are into lats. Now, chin-ups vs pull-ups is not the debate.Â
The point is how you are executing both exercises for your good. Both exercises provide desired results only if you can pull them off appropriately. These exercises involve our entire body which is a plus point if you are aiming for full body involvement. However, if you are a beginner, it is best to start with chin-ups.Â
Once you gain that momentum, you can later shift to pull-ups. The problem occurs when beginners directly jump onto the pull-ups and soon give up due to wrong technique and lack of motivation.Â
Image Source: https://images.app.goo.gl/NnVw3QqHzfzNrNXL9
Key Points On Good Technique
- Try swinging while you are doing reps. Swinging impacts your posture and you end up ruining your technique.Â
- The best way is to work on the movement and position of your hands. Your hands should be straight but try to keep the movement the same throughout all your reps.Â
- Don't force your joints and start with small distances since extreme movement can put strain on your joints.Â
- Focus on your finish position. It is where your elbows are coming in contact with your sides. Many people worry about the position of their chin. However, this is not the case here. The goal is to work on your back as much as possible. The chin will position itself depending on the length of your arms.Â
- Another focus area should be your glutes and abs. Try to keep them in place which will minimize the chances of swinging.Â
- There is no margin of half reps. If your body gives up on going any higher, end the set instead of doing half reps.Â
Tips For Shoulder Health
- Don't be fascinated to aim for extreme grip in the hope of getting fast results. It can compromise your body. For chin-ups, there should be a hand distance, and for pull-ups, experts recommend having two hands distance. Â
- You can easily change different hand grips which will keep the health of your joints intact. The recommended grips include neutral, overhand, and underhand.
How to Do a Chin up With Proper Form?
The best for you is to get ready for 2-3 sets of chin-ups. Below you will have a complete step-by-step breakdown for doing chin-ups the right way. It will help you understand the method in a simple way that you can implement and speed up your way towards the desired body shape.Â
When it comes to doing chin-ups with proper form, the first thing you should do is to use an underhand grip and grab the chin-up bar. Keep the distance as per should width. Some people are not comfortable with the chin-up bar so in this case, a secure flat bench and plyometric box are reliable alternatives.Â
Now it's time to hang in there! Extend your arms and legs while you can slightly bend your elbows before getting started.Â
After extending your arms and legs, tighten up your glutes and prepare your core. The shoulders will rotate in an outward direction. The shoulder blades will rotate in an upward direction. You cannot move your chin during this movement. This is the basic technique and now you can build up sets by following the same movement.Â
Focus on how your body is moving upwards. You need to pull your shoulder blades in a downward direction and elbows go upwards and move towards your body. You need to tighten the upper back and lat muscles and wait until your collarbones come in contact with the chin-up bar you are using.Â
When you are at the top, wait for a few seconds.Â
Now for the downward position, your shoulder blades will move downward. You keep your arm straight which helps your shoulder blade come down smoothly without undergoing any strain. Slowly come down keeping your body straight and still, your arms are extended and elbows are slightly bent.Â
How to Workout and Avoid Injury?
Many people suffered from a past injury before they started with the gym. In this case, you need to discuss your history with the doctor. Some techniques of exercise are not comfortable and healthy for your body if it has been previously compromised.Â
There is a margin of improvising any exercise which creates a good impact on your overall body. You don't have to use heavier weights. Instead, find out what suits your body the best and how much your body can tolerate. In case you are feeling unusual pain and discomfort, it means your body is signaling you to stop.Â
Besides working out, some other factors influence the results of your workout. Proper sleep and diet are some of the many regulatory factors. Also, the nature of your cardio and warmups matters a lot when you are trying to achieve a certain body goal.Â
Once you are done with a particular workout, it is important to give your body some time to recover.
 Your muscles need some time to rebuild which requires your attention. When you work out again after a proper recovery break, you come back with a great positive energy.Â
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Now for this section, you will learn about some common mistakes people mostly make during chin-ups. Try to avoid them and stick to the above mentioned technique of chin ups which will promise the desired results. So let’s see what chin up mistakes you need to be safe from!Â
 Skipping Warmups
Cardios are an undeniable part of your workout regime. When you warm up, you prepare your body to endure muscle breakdown and possible strain. You need to warm up before chin-ups since it also subsides the chances of extreme muscular strain and orthopedic problems. Besides, skipping warmups will not make you flexible for pulling off advanced exercises like chin-ups.Â
Neck Strain
Don't try to play with your neck when you are performing chin-ups. It is tempting to push your neck backward but this is not the right way. You want to train your back and taking support from your neck will compromise the exercise.Â
Besides, doing so will put your neck at risk since there will be unneeded strain on it. Many people have suffered from chronic neck strain just by committing this mistake. Therefore, try to keep the position of your neck neutral and don't push it backward to get support.Â
Kipping: Using Momentum to Do More Reps
There is no need to do kipping. The point is not to move fast. Instead, take your time and perform the chin-ups the right way. The best thing is to invest your speed to finish the sets and repetitions. When you use your speed to move fast, it exhausts you.Â
Also, it is a common mistake to commit since chin-ups are a tough exercise. Especially when you are a beginner, there are more chances to become demotivated and try to move fast during repetitions.Â
Your hands need to be straight and your elbows slightly bent. The position of your chin should be proper. It will form into a complete movement. However, some people develop the habit of half reps which never delivers them the desired results. It wastes your time and you end up compromising your body more.Â
The goal is not to achieve a higher number of reps. Instead, the focus should be on the form. The better it will, the more advantageous it will be for your body shape. Therefore, try avoiding half reps. If you want to end a set then do a full rep and stop.Â
Not Progressing with the Movement
Slow progress is better than no progress at all. However, if you are experiencing no progress then you can solve this by two simple strategies. First, you can slowly shift to weighted chin-ups.Â
Adjust the weights that your body can easily endure. A specific amount of strain on your body will push the boundaries and you will be able to experience fast progress.
Another thing you can do is to increase the reps throughout the week. If you did 30 reps on Monday then by the end of the week, it can go to 60 reps. However, it also depends on the stamina and endurance of your body.
Wrapping It Up
Hopefully, this guide will provide you with the necessary tips and insights about doing chin-ups the right way without damaging your body. Make sure to avoid the mistakes and consider the correct technique for executing chin-ups.Â
It is a superb exercise to bring your body in shape if you get the hang of it. It is possible with the right method and you will also not get tired of chin-ups any sooner!Â
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