Preparing for Cross Training Games the Right Way

Coaches who have prepared athletes for CrossFit games have shared some useful insights on what it takes to get ready for competitions. The preparations involve taking athletes through events and situations they would traditionally not be exposed to in the CrossFit gym.

CrossFit Games
The reason why games training is special is that the athletes competing at these games are people who have worked so hard for years and gone through hurdles day in day out to qualify. In terms of sacrifice, they have given up so many things and aspects of their lives so that they can secure a place on that competition floor. Therefore, leading up to this event, the training is usually characterized by extremely special energy. It is a manifestation of the accumulation of the many years of hard work.

The Difference in Training for the Various Games

CrossFit games are divided into 3 major categories: Open, Regionals, and Games. For many athletes, the way they train for each of these games is notably different. A handful of athletes can justify focusing on the Games more than the other categories.

When training for Open, you are in quite a familiar environment. There is time to warm up and prepare optimally plus you can always repeat events if they do not go as planned. During your CrossFit workout, you can put your favorite song, and you have a whole week to complete just one workout. It is not uncommon to see CrossFit athletes excelling because of the advantage of the home environment.


At the Regionals, there are 3 days of competition and a total of 6 events on the minimum. One of the biggest advantages of this level of competition is that athletes have always known what events to expect at least a month before the kickoff. What this means is that they can specifically prepare for these events and excel in them.

When competing at the Games level, things change, and the architecture is completely different. Among other things, athletes should know how to handle the volume, be prepared for anything because they are not sure what they will be put through next, and the lack of sleep. Because you are performing before hundreds of thousands of people, one of the things you cannot afford to falter in is confidence.

From 2008 to 2009, the games changed, and the number of events doubled from 4 to 8. This year and beyond, the number of events is likely to be 14 and above. 

4 Weeks before Competition

Here, athletes usually focus on the simple routine of eating, training, and sleeping with minimal if any distractions. During this period, the emphasis is on technique and exposure to new elements as well as training your focus for the competition. The preparation is mainly mental and physical. 


One Week to Competition

By this time, athletes will have known the selection of workouts and movements they can do smoothly and comfortably. The focus is on shorter duration, high-intensity CrossFit workouts as they prepare for the game day. Movements need to be smooth, and energy systems must work optimally.

The night before the game day, you need to eat, sleep, and get ready for what is to follow. Never stress yourself beyond your maximum holding capacity.

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