The Path to Becoming a Cross Training Trainer
Cross Training is not just a fitness regimen, but also a movement. It was launched in 2000 by the fitness trainer and founder of the Cross Training company, Greg Glassman. The workouts and training in Cross Training are multidisciplinary and focus on high-intensity exercises which are based on functional movements picked from numerous disciplines. Some of the movements include gymnastics, running, Olympic weightlifting, and many others.
Cross Training also has an affiliate program to which independent trainers can link to and become credentialed. Cross Training trainers go through a 4-level certification program. As you ascend the levels, the degree of difficulty and competency becomes increasingly challenging. For you to be eligible for certification as a Cross Training trainer, you must have attained 18 years of age. The training courses cost anything from $1,000 each.
Preparing for Cross Training Training
Before you even think about joining Cross Training, you need to prepare yourself physically and psychologically. The best way to do this is to join a gym that has an on-ramp program. Such a gym will introduce you to the high-intensity training method which is specific to Cross Training . You will also have the benefit of experiencing the three categories of basic Cross Training movements which include press, deadlift, and squat series. At the end of the preparation stage, you will be required to pass a written exam which tests what you have gone through.
Level 1 Training
This is the first stage of Cross Training training and introduces you to the principles of Cross Training as well as the basic movements. It provides you with basic knowledge that lets you train other people in the Cross Training regimen. Level 1 training comprises small group training and classroom instruction. In the classroom, you get to learn how to conduct your own Cross Training classes, how to maintain technique even at high-intensity efficiently, and how you can adjust instruction for the different levels of ability.
Level 2 Training
At this stage, the training goes much deeper and focuses on the mechanics of movement, teaching you on how to identify faults in action as well as communicate such flaws to your students. Through physical guidance, visual, and verbal cues, the course leaders demonstrate to you what effective coaching is all about. After this level, you will be expected to design an effective Cross Training program. It is at this level that your skill as a trainer in group management is assessed as well as your athletic capacity.
Certified Cross Training Trainer
This is the third designation, and it aims at making you a full-fledged Cross Training trainer. For you to get to this level, you must have fulfilled all the level 1 and 2 requirements. There are 2 different paths, and Cross Training expects that you fulfill the requirements of at least one.
The first path involves complete training both at Level 1 and 2 as well as 750 hours of Cross Training coaching for groups or individuals and possessing Level 1 and 2 certificates which are current. The second path requires you to complete 1500 hours of active fitness coaching using the GPP-based training. To add to that, you will be required to have a valid cardiopulmonary resuscitation certificate.
The final stage is that of a certified Cross Trainingcoach where senior Cross Training trainers evaluate your coaching skills. If you ever wanted to be part of the Cross Training community and make WODs your staple, this is the opportunity.