Cross Training Diet - Want to Lose Fat? Here are the Tips.
Fat loss is an important health goal CrossFit training schedules inculcate to the benefit of both beginner and elite athletes. People trying to lose body fat at times go for intense metabolic resistance training as well as high-intensity interval training.
While these may seem excellent fat burners, the reality is they achieve very little. According to the experts in CrossFit diet, the most important requirement is to switch onto different strategies such as strength training, metabolic resistant training, and bodybuilding among others.
Proven fat loss training regimes are guided by a set of rules which must be followed to the letter if the athlete is to realize the end results. Just to give you a brief on some of the top rules, below is a summary of the top four.
Give Nutrition a Priority
Training without nutrition may not avail much. If you are serious about hitting your target of stripping off body fat, a CrossFit diet must be one of your focal points. Take time for grocery shopping, meal prepping, doing dishes, cooking, and keeping a food journal.
Some people think that this is time-consuming while they waste most of their time web surfing, doing social media, or watching TV. Set adequate time to handle your nutritional needs.
Certain diets such as paleo diet are worth following because they give you the right balance of food choices that will support your training goals.
Get Stronger
When you mention getting stronger, people’s mind switches to performance enhancement and building of muscles. Little do they know that getting stronger is also relevant for fat loss. The goal to aim at in fat loss is burning as much fuel as you can, so as to have that perfect CrossFit diet applied.
Through resistance training, you can lift more weight and this means more fat burning. When you spend your time training to get stronger, you get the opportunity to do most of the other forms of training as well such as conditioning and metabolic resistance training at a much higher level thus getting rid of unwanted body fat.
Schedule Wisely
When designing your weekly training plan, it is important to look at the different training styles and how they affect your system. For instance, spinal compression is occasioned by deadlifts, heavy squats, and farmer’s walks. Joint stressors are workouts such as heavy barbell training, high impact jumps, and sprints.
Nervous system stressors can be found in power training, low rep training, and training to failure. Lastly, there are metabolic stressors which are occasioned by lactate work. This involves doing workouts that last anything between 30 seconds and 3 minutes which produce lots of lactic acids.
Rotating Strategies
Just like it is with many goals, having an effective program will yield results, but after some time you will hit a plateau. This is where it pays to vary your strategies.
For metabolic resistance training, you can use moderate weights when doing moderate reps while at the same time alternating between lower and upper body exercises.
For strength training, you can use more of traditional strength training methods which allow you to lift heavier weights. The trick here is to periodize both your CrossFit daily workouts.