Swimming, running, and cycling are great workouts, but they may occupy your time such that little is left if any for strength training. If you want to succeed as an athlete, strength training should be high on your priority list. This type of CrossFit training helps you to build power and keep healthy so that your muscles can sustain every workout. In CrossFit, you will have a quick and dirty way to push in your strength training through fun, but challenging workouts of the day and a supportive atmosphere to crown it all. CrossFit can be an excellent lens which you can use to focus on strength and power and identify any muscular imbalances that may be impeding your aspirations to hone a proper form. The critical aspect is to use CrossFit intelligently and work towards committing yourself to the regimen particularly in the offseason. It is highly advisable that you enlist the help of a trained coach because as a triathlete, you should not do CrossFit in your garage. Maximizing the Simplicity of CrossFit Of the many allures to CrossFit, simplicity ranks high. The exercises and movements are founded on classic strength training. The push-ups, the deadlifts, and the squats are often done with heavy weights which makes them explosive and excellent for building strength. Swimming, running, and cycling for hours is commendable, but it only enhances your stamina and not so much in building power. CrossFit movements such as sprints and kettlebell swings stand in the gap to bridge strength training. Building Function through CrossFit For you to benefit as a triathlete, your focus should be so much on the mechanics of each movement. If you have access to a certified CrossFit coach, he can help you in determining your areas of weakness such as bowing knees during squats. Such weaknesses have far-reaching effects in terms of your cycling and running mechanics. Over time, such weaknesses may impede your performance. Building Power in Off Season If you have always wanted to push your power and speed on the bike and run, there are CrossFit functional moves such as pull-ups, burpees, kettlebell swings, and 400-meter sprints. Using CrossFit during the offseason which for people in the northern hemisphere coincides with fall and winter is an excellent way to build power because it augments your need to run, bike, and swim. The 2 to 3-hour rides and runs do not to be done throughout the year but in the buildup to events. This means during the offseason, race-specific preparatory workouts can be substituted with power building CrossFit workouts. However, as the race season approaches, your workouts should change in the specification so that more focus can be given to your triathlon goals. During this season, your CrossFit exercises can take a dip to let’s say once per week.
CrossFit games are very sensational, and they offer so much to the athletes who have literally spent their entire professional career training for these Games. Winning or losing are the defining moments in these games, and therefore every athlete tries to put their best foot forward. Judging from the number of people who throng these venues, it is evident that there are expectations and preconceived notions about the Games. As a fan, you may not have had a chance to get behind the scenes and know what is going on with the preparation of the athletes and what they are expected to do at every stage. Below are some of the aspects you may never get to see in CrossFit events such as this. The Professional Atmosphere CrossFit Games are a professional sporting event not because of the monies winners receive, but the manner in which the CrossFit athletes are treated. At every stage, the athletes are treated with respect and dignity, which fosters a positive experience for the athletes and enables the entire competition to proceed more smoothly. Right from the judges to everyone around, the culture of mutual respect and communication is deeply entrenched. Intelligent Events Games are not like the Open, which is far much limited. The Open has five events, which anyone can perform even in their garage. This has allowed for inclusion, but regarding the CrossFit exercises, it is somehow limiting. When an athlete proceeds from the Open to the Games, they are confronted with a new set of unpredictable events such as sled pull, sled drag with weights of about 185 pounds, and many other challenges. For the athletes, it is the CrossFit spirit that pushes them on. The events are intelligent and challenge athletes in different ways. There is a thoughtful design that goes into them. Some of the events task various muscle groups while others task the same energy system, but the bottom line is that they are all brutal. Highly Organized Unlike other sporting events where you go and get identified at the entrance, CrossFit has more than nine stations which you pass through after getting identified. At every station, you are fitted with different things such as clothing or CrossFit shoes. There are even tailors on site who are just your clothing to ensure everything fits you well. After the check-in day, the administrators usually have a meeting with all athletes, and their schedule is well organized. They never run behind time and every minute counts. The Community CrossFit is known all over the world for its camaraderie among its participants. They cheer one another on and at some point, it feels as if it is not a competition, but rather a friendly union. It is a competition, and therefore, the mindset people have while coming into CrossFit Games is that of self-focus and reclusiveness. However, the story is different, and the sense of community cannot be hidden. There is outright friendliness from fellow competitors, and this is what makes the entire sport beautiful. If you only got a chance to see the behind the scenes events, you would walk away appreciating that indeed CrossFit Games is a totally different ballgame from your ordinary CrossFit events.
Cross Training is not just a fitness regimen, but also a movement. It was launched in 2000 by the fitness trainer and founder of the Cross Training company, Greg Glassman. The workouts and training in Cross Training are multidisciplinary and focus on high-intensity exercises which are based on functional movements picked from numerous disciplines. Some of the movements include gymnastics, running, Olympic weightlifting, and many others. Cross Training also has an affiliate program to which independent trainers can link to and become credentialed. Cross Training trainers go through a 4-level certification program. As you ascend the levels, the degree of difficulty and competency becomes increasingly challenging. For you to be eligible for certification as a Cross Training trainer, you must have attained 18 years of age. The training courses cost anything from $1,000 each. Preparing for Cross Training Training Before you even think about joining Cross Training, you need to prepare yourself physically and psychologically. The best way to do this is to join a gym that has an on-ramp program. Such a gym will introduce you to the high-intensity training method which is specific to Cross Training . You will also have the benefit of experiencing the three categories of basic Cross Training  movements which include press, deadlift, and squat series. At the end of the preparation stage, you will be required to pass a written exam which tests what you have gone through. Level 1 Training This is the first stage of Cross Training training and introduces you to the principles of Cross Training as well as the basic movements. It provides you with basic knowledge that lets you train other people in the Cross Training regimen. Level 1 training comprises small group training and classroom instruction. In the classroom, you get to learn how to conduct your own Cross Training classes, how to maintain technique even at high-intensity efficiently, and how you can adjust instruction for the different levels of ability. Level 2 Training At this stage, the training goes much deeper and focuses on the mechanics of movement, teaching you on how to identify faults in action as well as communicate such flaws to your students. Through physical guidance, visual, and verbal cues, the course leaders demonstrate to you what effective coaching is all about. After this level, you will be expected to design an effective Cross Training program. It is at this level that your skill as a trainer in group management is assessed as well as your athletic capacity. Certified Cross Training Trainer This is the third designation, and it aims at making you a full-fledged Cross Training trainer. For you to get to this level, you must have fulfilled all the level 1 and 2 requirements. There are 2 different paths, and Cross Training expects that you fulfill the requirements of at least one. The first path involves complete training both at Level 1 and 2 as well as 750 hours of Cross Training coaching for groups or individuals and possessing Level 1 and 2 certificates which are current. The second path requires you to complete 1500 hours of active fitness coaching using the GPP-based training. To add to that, you will be required to have a valid cardiopulmonary resuscitation certificate. The final stage is that of a certified Cross Trainingcoach where senior Cross Training trainers evaluate your coaching skills. If you ever wanted to be part of the Cross Training community and make WODs your staple, this is the opportunity.
Image Source: CrossFit Games CrossFit can best be described as a high-intensity sport involving fun, along with some fast-paced, gym-based workouts and exercises. It is a serious sport, and its growing global popularity attests to the fact that people are increasingly seeking CrossFit training methodologies to help them improve their health, get in shape, and lose weight. CrossFit involves lifting of heavyweights, but that should not intimidate you. The purpose of these weights is to make you stronger. Not every workout in CrossFit is timed, there are those which are not restrictive in terms of time, but their main focus is to help you get accustomed to the element of heavy lifting. They do this by teaching you the right technique and establishing the weight you can move safely.  How Effective is CrossFit to Overweight People? If you have been of the opinion that CrossFit is not for overweight people, you need to debunk that because CrossFit is for anyone. The positive side of CrossFit workouts is that they are scalable and can accommodate individual fitness levels as well as abilities. With the right workouts such as those discussed below, CrossFit can move you from the unfit zone to the table of the fitness in the industry. Workout 1 If you are badly out of shape and starting out your CrossFit journey, this is the workout to settle for. It lasts just 10 minutes, but it is thorough and touches the right places. Since you are a beginner, it will be unsurprising if your body expresses resistance to the endurance and effort needed to complete the workout. Your main focus should be on technique, and if at some point you feel like your form is slowly deteriorating, that is normal. What you should do is modify the CrossFit exercises to prevent injury. The workout consists of 5 assisted pull-ups, 5 push-ups, and 5 bodyweight squats. These are done in 10 minutes AMRAP which means as many rounds as possible. Workout 2 This workout consists of 5 back squats, 3 deadlifts, and 5 overhead presses. This combination is excellent for overweight people as it helps them to get used to lifting heavy weights. They also help blast fat. During the ordinary CrossFit sessions, these workouts would be timed. But because they are aimed at helping you address your overweight issue, the timing is done away with. Safety is the number one priority, which means you should maintain your form properly. Workout 3 This consists of 15 sit-ups and 15 lungees. It falls under the category of interval workouts, and it is great for building up your endurance. It will keep you motivated and work hard for much longer. Workout 4 This comprises wall balls and burpees. It is done in decreasing reps. It is flexible and allows you to break it down further to give yourself more time for recovery especially if you are a complete newbie or you are out of shape. The last workout consists of a 400-meter run, 10 assisted pull-ups, and 20 American kettlebell swings. If you find the running challenging, it is because you are slightly out of shape and you are not on your way to building endurance and enhancing your performance.
Bear Grips | 22 Nov 17
At the beginning of every year, millions of people make resolution goals to live healthier and get in better shape.However, hitting the gym each day can feel like more effort than it’s worth. You start by missing one workout, and then two, then sooner or later morale and motivation decreases drastically. A backup plan is therefore very much needed. Working out in your living room may seem less effective than using fancy gym equipment, but you might just be surprised at how well a workout using just your body weight as resistance does the trick.In fact, you may be able to reach all your goals at home. What I strongly recommend therefore is setting small, attainable targets each week to get you to your larger goals. A comprehensive routine includes resistance training to strengthen your muscles and cardiovascular exercise that gets your heart pumping. At first, any amount is good, but you’ll want to work up to strength training at least twice a week and at least 30 minutes of moderate cardio activity five times a week. Here’s how you can get started and work out at home without spending a lot of money. Body weight workouts When starting your fitness journey, body weight workouts is a good way to begin. I suggest the following 35- to 40-minute starter plan: 5-10 minutes of moderate but steady state cardio, such as shadow boxing and jogging. 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretchings, such as arm circles, standing hip flexor stretches or rotating hamstring stretches. 10 minutes of functional body weight exercises, such as squats, walking lunges, push-ups, and sit-ups. 10-15 minutes of isolated movements, like lying leg raises, hip raises, bridges and seated Russian twists. 5 minutes of cool-down stretching without movement. Next is cleaning circuit. This is because housework also burns some calories, but why not take it up a notch and work toward your fitness goals too? The next time you’re about to do some cleaning, put on your favorite workout playlist and do a few jumping jacks or dance moves to get your heart rate up. This might take longer than your regular house cleaning session, but you’ll be accomplishing two things at once. Mobile apps in the various app stores provide several fitness apps allow you to mix and match moves, or use your goals to create a different daily routine for you. It is always recommended that you add variety in your exercise routine and there are both free and paid apps in the app stores. These will not only guide you but also help you keep track of your fitness routine. Finally, throw in some small equipment If you’re tired of the same old exercises. Try purchasing inexpensive resistance equipment such as low weights, resistance bands, a kettlebell or a jump rope. These small items can be found at a variety of stores and often include instructions for moves you can do with them while exercising.
If you always happen to suffer from that two o’clock fatigue syndrome, even in the morning hours, well this article is for you. Sometimes it’s not only lack of exercise or too much Cross Fit workout; it could be for some other reasons- You’re not having enough sleep. What most people know is that sleep is an essential part of our lives- what they don’t know is that it is not just about lying resting; actually, there’s a lot more going on inside while you are asleep. It is at this point that the human growth hormone is active most. The growth hormone is a protein made by the pituitary gland in the body; it is responsible for making muscles fine-tuned and the bones strong. For this reason, having little sleep leads to fatigue, reduced strength and agility, and depression symptoms. At the end of your Crossfit workouts, you are going to need some good hours of sleep.  You’re consuming too much junk food. Many people think that sugar as a quick way to boost energy, but in the end, the effects are quite the opposite of expectations. For the Crossfitter, these are some type of foods you may want to skip or have very little of them. Research indicates that junk food puts your body in a biological slow-motion. If you want to know some recommended work out foods you should eat, click here.  You are not drinking enough water. One common cause of fatigue is dehydration. A few glasses of water may be the spike that you need more than just sugar. Try to drink a lot of water to keep your mouth moist throughout the day. You will also need to drink enough water during pre and post workout sessions.  You are not moving your muscles enough. You can jump-start your energy with activity as simple as walking. Whenever you trigger your muscles to some movement, nitric oxide is released from the artery linings to allow blood to move freely through your vessels. This activity allows more nutrients to your cells even faster. Likewise, your body will always respond to your actions; it adapts to what you let it do!  
Many teens know that CrossFit is a training regime that combines Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics, and other forms of intense workouts. However, only a few of them know precisely how CrossFit as a sport can benefit them at a personal level. There are some teens to whom CrossFit is nothing but all about sore muscles and injuries. The questions most teens ask themselves revolves around the exclusivity of CrossFit. This sport stereotyped for a particular category of people who are considered fit and ready to roar. However, the fact is, CrossFit workouts are for everyone and including teens. You can quickly scale or modify your workout depending on your level of ability.To emphasize the fact that CrossFit has no discrimination, CrossFit Games and Open have a teenager division as a way to encourage competition among teens. That being said, enlisted below are some of the reasons why you need to get into CrossFit as a teenager. Staying Fit and in Shape If you have ever dreamt of being fit and in good shape, CrossFit makes that a reality. You can pursue it for competition purposes or just to promote a healthy lifestyle. The workouts in CrossFit comprising Olympic lifting and gymnastic work exercise your different body muscles, and this helps in keeping your entire body in shape. Friendship and Relationship Building CrossFitting is not all about lifting and sweating. When you join a CrossFit gym, your fellow athletes become part of your life. You share the same knowledge and go through the same challenges of finishing tougher workouts. This community plays a crucial role in pushing you towards attaining your goal. Most teens who end up in CrossFit gyms establish long-term meaningful relationships. Long-term Health Promotion When you start CrossFit at a tender age, you are in essence training your brain to experience and appreciate fitness and good health. These are values that will stick with you even to old age. Most CrossFitters if not all enjoy diets such as paleo that focus on eating healthy for performance. Appreciating the role of diet and the various components of CrossFit nutrition can boost your health in the long-term. Change of Mindset CrossFit doesn’t only exercise the body, but it has a significant impact on the brain as well. Before starting CrossFit, many teenagers are usually stuck in the can’t moments of their lives. Through this intense sport characterized by hardcore exercises, teens get to push themselves to their limits and prove that they can. They break down limiting barriers and overcome even the most challenging obstacles. This change of attitude is essential for personal development.In addition to the above benefits, beginner CrossFit workouts for teens can help in building confidence, release emotions, and basically add fun to their lives.  
CrossFit is a workout based on functional movements. It provides the ability for the muscles to perform real-life challenges with high intensity. It is developed to enhance an individual’s competency at all physical tasks. With the help of it, athletes get trained to perform successfully at diverse, multiple, and randomized physical challenges. CrossFit is certainly a great way to stay fit and get some variety for those who already have a strong base and solid aerobic. How is CrossFit Training Different? CrossFit is one of the efficient ways to get in shape whether you are a sedentary desk jockey or a world-class athlete. The training will be different in weight and endurance, but the approach is same, and everybody can improve in the ten generally recognized physical skills: Cardiovascular and respiratory endurance Stamina Speed Agility Power Accuracy Coordination Flexibility Balance Strength  Benefits of CrossFit Training: The intense CrossFit workouts help in weight loss. It will release lactic acid and also boost metabolic rate. You will be able to burn calories for about 12 to 14 hours after your workout, depending on how intense it was. The CrossFit training helps to tone your muscles. Whenever you lose the fat, your body will look toned, and the jiggly bits that used to be the bane of your existence will melt away revealing a svelte or sinewy body, depending on your gender. It helps thousands of people to have fantastic body transformations. It increases strength, stamina, and energy that not only improves your fitness level but also built up your confidence level. CrossFit is more than just a training program. It takes a lot of willpower since it is so challenging. Many people, who try it, give up easily. However, those who go with it for 2 to 3 months will notice how beneficial it is. Once you see your excess fat is decreasing and your muscles starting to show, you will be motivated and include each CrossFit workout in your routine with excitement.