CrossFit workouts are usually quite intensive. For this reason, to maintain a healthy, sculpting, lean and toned body, there is some recommended work out diet. One of the essential components of a good intensive workout diet is protein. It stabilizes blood sugar, provides energy and fuel body requires for workouts. Besides protein, there are other important foods to add to your diet to keep you in good shape whenever you workout. Adding these foods to your diet at least daily will get your body functioning optimally. Here are some of the readily available foods to consider. Banana and whey After working out, it is obvious you refuel and optimize your recovery by replenishing glycogen stores and protein to enhance tissue repair. At this point, your body tends to crave fast-absorbing carbohydrates, and protein. Banana and whey are perfect examples of these fast-absorbing nutrients. Coconut oil Now, the reason why coconut oil is recommended by nutritionists is that it provides energy faster than any other fatty foods. Coconut oil fat is converted by the liver into an instant energy source, just like it is in the case of carbohydrates, the only difference is that it is sugar and carbohydrate-free! Nuts and Seeds Nuts and seeds have the highly required nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids by the body. These nutrients effectively refuel your recovery after a CrossFit workout. Sweet potatoes The body needs functional carbs as an energy booster. Glycogen is stored in the muscles (and the liver partially). The body depends on this glycogen from the muscles for energy to carry you through your workout. Eggs Actually, for CrossFitters, eggs are a superfood. Eggs are rich in protein and vitamin B. One egg normally carries about 7 to 10 grams of protein. So, starting the day with a few eggs in your protein budget daily will be enough fuel for you when you hit the gym.
The desire and appetite to go to a higher level each time you are in CrossFit training help drive growth and new challenges. In order to scale the heights of CrossFit, you need a good collection of shoes you can rely on for your training. There are lots of models from different manufacturers, and at times this leaves some CrossFit athletes confused as to which is the best pair to train with. The following models have been tested through reps and rounds in jumping, lunging, squatting, hitting the floor, and other exercise movements. The best CrossFit shoes are those that will allow you to push to the limit, but still, maintain stability and flexibility throughout the process. Choosing a specific pair is often difficult, but through extensive reviews, you can settle on some shoes. The following are some of the best CrossFit shoes for your gym workouts. Nike Metcon 3 This model is known for its stability, exceptional transfer of power during sprinting, and an awesome grip for rope climbs. Based on experience, Metcon 3 has a stable heel and sole which is excellent for heavy squats, carries, and deadlifts. That said, its flexible forefoot shines the most in sprinting, jumping, and burpees. Athletes who have tried this shoe find it particularly grippy on rope climbs and can handle well some of the CrossFit movements categorized as trickier. Adidas Powerlift 3 This model is exceptional for weightlifting, gives you incredible protection, and it is comfortable on runs. This is one of the CrossFit shoes that have shown surprising versatility in weightlifting. It performs exemplarily well during short runs and when doing deadlifts, cleans, and heavy squats, it remains relatively stable. If you are seeking an edge in heavier lifts competitions, the Powerlift 3 is a smart choice. No Bull Trainer This shoe is comfortable and has a durable upper part. Come to think of it; it lives up to the hype. Regarding performance, it gives you an all-around assurance and doesn’t have any glaring weaknesses. It is easy to wear, and you can work out in it for hours both before and after the WOD. Its finish is clean and stylish and can be worn with virtually any casual leave alone CrossFit gear. The No Bull Trainers gives you an elegant solution if you are looking for one pair of shoes you can work out with and at the same time wear to informal events. Reebok Nano 7.0 The Nano 7 is one of the most popular CrossFit shoes because it does everything. Its features make it favorable in weightlifting. Its slightly elevated and supportive heel provides excellent stability when squatting or receiving heavy cleans. When it comes to squats and Olympic lifts, the Nano 7 outperforms many other shoe models thanks to its stiffer and stable sole. Other shoes you may consider when hitting the CrossFit gym include Adidas CrazyPower Trainer, Asics Conviction X, and New Balance Minimus 40.
Many people come to CrossFit with the hope that one day they will scale the heights and top the list of CrossFit champions. However, this doesn’t come easy. What you do between now and the next CrossFit games will determine how far you can go in the competitions. You need a holistic CrossFit training perspective which brings in everything from nutrition to recovery. Your laser focus may just earn you the top spot on the podium and the much-coveted title of “Fittest Man on Earth.” If you are ready for this, below are some ideas to get you on the road. Cutting the Junk One of the biggest changes and sacrifices you will have to make is on your diet. If you have been eating terribly before, you need to streamline your diet so that it can go well with the CrossFit requirements. You may decide to count macros or stick to a specific nutrition philosophy such as eating 4 or 5 big meals a day which includes meat, vegetables, and some carbs. A good choice of diet will help you shed those extra pounds and put to an end the sugar-fueled roller-coaster of drastic dips or spikes in energy. Change Your Training Regime By its very nature, CrossFit consists of training diversity. No specific workout is idolized here because it is all about variations. You may start with strength training in the morning and then cardio in the evening. However, the best approach is to change the timing and format of your workouts from one day to the next. This will help you feel fitter and more prepared for the Games. The 2016 CrossFit Games champion, Mat Fraser, says, he prefers lifting before the endurance training and even after the training. Irrespective of the circumstances, he knows the numbers he can hit. Get the Help of an Expert You can’t be stronger in every aspect. There are some areas you will have incredible strength and some pockets of weaknesses. For instance, you may be rock solid in Olympic weightlifting, but coming in dead last on running events. It may not be straightforward tackling your weaknesses, and this is when you need a coach to work with you so that he can help fix your form and technique. In areas where you have less experience, an expert can help you build confidence. Be Positive in Injuries Just like any other professional athlete, you will have your fair share of injuries in CrossFit. You may suffer fractured vertebrae or a torn meniscus. Your reaction to injuries will determine whether you will go on strongly or crash completely. For instance, rushing back to the gym following an injury may compromise recovery. The best way ahead is to give your body time to heal and be positive throughout your injury time. Some injuries give you an opportunity to strengthen other workouts. For instance, a sore elbow will give you an opportunity to strengthen your squat. A sprained ankle, on the other hand, can give you a chance to hone your gymnastic skills. Lastly, you have to learn how to embrace the suck. Some of the killer CrossFit workouts will induce temporary pain, and from time to time, you may hit a wall. Motivational self-talk can help you stick with a challenging workout and push through it.
Coaches who have prepared athletes for CrossFit games have shared some useful insights on what it takes to get ready for competitions. The preparations involve taking athletes through events and situations they would traditionally not be exposed to in the CrossFit gym. The reason why games training is special is that the athletes competing at these games are people who have worked so hard for years and gone through hurdles day in day out to qualify. In terms of sacrifice, they have given up so many things and aspects of their lives so that they can secure a place on that competition floor. Therefore, leading up to this event, the training is usually characterized by extremely special energy. It is a manifestation of the accumulation of the many years of hard work. The Difference in Training for the Various Games CrossFit games are divided into 3 major categories: Open, Regionals, and Games. For many athletes, the way they train for each of these games is notably different. A handful of athletes can justify focusing on the Games more than the other categories. When training for Open, you are in quite a familiar environment. There is time to warm up and prepare optimally plus you can always repeat events if they do not go as planned. During your CrossFit workout, you can put your favorite song, and you have a whole week to complete just one workout. It is not uncommon to see CrossFit athletes excelling because of the advantage of the home environment. At the Regionals, there are 3 days of competition and a total of 6 events on the minimum. One of the biggest advantages of this level of competition is that athletes have always known what events to expect at least a month before the kickoff. What this means is that they can specifically prepare for these events and excel in them. When competing at the Games level, things change, and the architecture is completely different. Among other things, athletes should know how to handle the volume, be prepared for anything because they are not sure what they will be put through next, and the lack of sleep. Because you are performing before hundreds of thousands of people, one of the things you cannot afford to falter in is confidence. From 2008 to 2009, the games changed, and the number of events doubled from 4 to 8. This year and beyond, the number of events is likely to be 14 and above.  4 Weeks before Competition Here, athletes usually focus on the simple routine of eating, training, and sleeping with minimal if any distractions. During this period, the emphasis is on technique and exposure to new elements as well as training your focus for the competition. The preparation is mainly mental and physical.  One Week to Competition By this time, athletes will have known the selection of workouts and movements they can do smoothly and comfortably. The focus is on shorter duration, high-intensity CrossFit workouts as they prepare for the game day. Movements need to be smooth, and energy systems must work optimally. The night before the game day, you need to eat, sleep, and get ready for what is to follow. Never stress yourself beyond your maximum holding capacity.
  Core exercises are very crucial in improving your balance and stability. They train your pelvis muscles, abdomen, hips, and lower back to function in harmony. The core includes the erector spinae, lower lats, and obliques fondly referred to as the traverse abdominis. When you talk about core training, you are basically engaged in CrossFit training that strengthens and develop these stabilizer muscles. The following are some of the workouts that can help build your core and your ab. Dumbbell Side Plank Rotation This exercise is a brilliant combination of scapular mobility and strength. If you want to build back lost range of motion in your shoulder blade during injury cycles when the shoulder region gets protective and tight, side plank rotations are the best. You can also add the top armload to give your upper shoulder rhomboid some extra work. Contralateral Glute Bridge Hold This is an excellent posterior chain and trunk drill which can help you build the main muscle connection between your shoulders and hips. Just in case you didn’t know, the connection between opposing shoulder and hip joints usually shows up in lots of human movement patterns. Two examples of such movement patterns including walking and running. Through this exercise, you can prepare your body for an upcoming running session. L Hang Flutter Kicks This is an absolute core crusher and an excellent way in which to work your overhead position. Truth be told, hanging is not an activity that gets enough time on any typical day. However, by increasing your hanging time, you can add to your stock of core CrossFit exercises which you can do when hanging from a bar or rings. The benefits of this practice include engaged flexor chain followed by a hollow body position which helps in reinforcing good alignment overhead while at the same time stimulating your anterior chain. Two Arm Turkish Sit-Up Turkish sit-up is one of the workouts that places a huge demand on the anterior core. It is an exercise that trains your shoulder and enhances your range of motion. It also helps in stabilizing your shoulder through the entire 90-degree range of motion. Two arms Turkish sit up has a fantastic carryover to overhead training. Rope L-Sit Pull Up This is an advanced upper pulling exercise which gives you an amazing grip challenge. You fully benefit from this, ensure you perform equal reps using each hand position. If you can combine the rope L-sit pull up with a lower body squat variation, you can get a superset that gives you lots of rest time in between sets. The last exercise is the ring mountain climber which is a moderate core exercise that you can do with ease in any CrossFit gym. It is often viewed as a precursor to the ring body saw workout. One of the skills the ring mountain climber exercise helps you develop is the flexion of the hip on a somewhat stable spine and hollow position.
Injuries can derail your CrossFit training, and as such you must take the necessary steps to refocus your efforts and keep on training hard even through injury to maintain your fitness. When you get injured, you have a choice to either call it a loss and count the recovery time as part of the wasted time. You also have the option of ignoring the orders of the doctor and do whatever you can the soonest possible to get your physique back. The last choice is to figure out a way in which to train safely and in a very productive and efficient way. Enlisted below are a few tips on how to train through an injury. Adjust Your Program and Goals Every CrossFitter has a list of goals that keep them going. The goals may include a 30-second handstand hold, butterfly pull-ups, 47.5 kg snatch, and many others. When you suffer an accident, you have lots of things to care about which means some of the workouts will be automatically crossed out from your list. By adjusting your goals and programs, you can be able to continue working out, but with more caution than before. For instance, you may have to resort to single arm kettlebell or squats and lunges with a weighted vest.  Take Care of Yourself As you work on your new goals, you have to access how your body is responding and feeling. Your training will be somewhat different, and you have to appreciate the fact that you are in the process of healing and such you must not overload your system. This may mean a lot of stretching and mobility explicitly focusing on muscles which may be compensating for those that you can’t use due to injury. You also need to take care of your mental state because it can be frustrating watching as your friends, train while you are kind of stuck. You must understand that not all your improvements will happen in the CrossFit gym. Your goal should be to come back stronger than ever physically and mentally. Never Forget about CrossFit and the Community Support CrossFit is not about moving fast, lifting heavy, and getting jacked. It has so much to do with the community and the spirit of comradeship. In the course of training, you will make friends as well as partners who care so much about you. When you get injured and your training schedule changes, do not avoid them. Your workouts may happen in the open gym, but you should keep showing up in the box and cheer your friends up as they take on their WODs. This will make your recovery time much faster because friends are an excellent support system. Learn from Experience It is true that some injuries can be freak accidents, but others are more of lessons than accidents. Some CrossFit movements and workouts are very complex and robust. You should know when to push your body and the point at which to stop. Don’t push your ego to the sidelines but always analyze that whatever you are doing will not hurt you. Take your doctor’s advice and do easy intervals on your workouts so that your long-term health and well-being is not compromised.
When working out in the CrossFit gym, your rotator cuffs usually go through a lot of stress, and this could just be the reason why they hate you. Bearing in mind their strategic function; rotator cuffs must be taken care of well if you are to last longer in your training. Enlisted below are the things you need to watch out for. Shoulder Pain The shoulder joint together with its tendons, ligaments, and connective muscles have a much greater range of motion compared to all other joints in the human body. The rotator cuff is the group of muscles and connective tissue which combine to ensure movement happens. The incredibly complex structure which provides flexibility in movement patterns also exposes your shoulder joint to injuries. This is especially true for those athletes who spend most of their time in the gym pulling and pushing heavy iron. Incomplete Warm-Up Incomplete warm-up sessions cause most rotator cuff issues. Many CrossFit trainees fail to take enough time to do warm-ups before starting on the upper body movement. Experts recommend that you put together a set of callisthenic type workouts such as shoulder rolls and arm windmills before starting on your CrossFit workout. Finally, when you get to your actual exercise, ensure you perform a good number of progressively heavier warm-up sets to prepare your joints for the exact movement pattern it will be engaged in.  Behind the Neck Movements Behind the neck presses and pulldowns have been responsible for many cases of an injured rotator cuff. That said, these movements are necessary for the healthier shoulder joint. The question then comes, where do you draw the line? Experts in CrossFit say that behind the neck movements should be done in moderation and with the right technique. If you exaggerate the range of motion and use too much weight, it can be hazardous. As a tip, never allow the bar on presses or pulldowns to go below the level of your ears. This will prevent overstretching of the attachments. Upright Rows As an exercise, upright rows can also exert a force on your rotators. However, it does so in a slightly different way from behind the neck movements. The problem comes when you perform this movement with a grip that is too close or with a lift that takes the bar too high at the point of contraction. This may cause impingement at the joint thereby resulting in irritation and pain of the rotator cuff tendons. Overuse When you perform the same CrossFit exercises too often, overuse injuries may result. The rotator cuffs are the most vulnerable to this type of injury. Technically, when the body system is forced through the same movement pattern for a lengthened period, it causes microtrauma in the surrounding bones, joints, and tendons which ultimately lead to injury. CrossFit is designed so well such that every day your body is taken through a series of different workouts on a rotating basis. Other reasons that threaten the rotator cuffs include failure to train your rotator cuffs directly, lifting heavy within short ranges, and having sloppy form or technique.
Success in Cross Training depends on a number of factors amongst them your discipline, determination, choice of coach, and many others. One of the main pillars that will push you towards Cross Training training success is the Cross Training gym. It can be quite a challenge especially for newbies picking the right box to exercise not just in America, but any other place. To help you jumpstart your search, below are some of the favorites Cross Training boxes in America. Reebok Cross Training 5th Avenue This gym is based in New York City, and it is a massive 10,000 square foot training facility. It literally makes you forget that you are in the middle of Manhattan working out. There is a wide array of equipment ranging from ropes to pull-up bars, to free weights, and kettlebells to exercise with. Another advantage is that the Reebok Cross Training 5th Avenue gym is so spacious that you won’t feel confined as you max out high-intensity WODs. There is a Reebok Fit-Hub store from where you can stock up on various Cross Training gear items. I Am Cross Training This is a Miami-based box that has virtually everything a Cross Training might look for; from Yoga to boxing to kids’ classes and even Cross Training nutrition training. In the whole of South Florida, I Am Cross Training is the largest box covering 20,000 square feet. Year after year, I Am Cross Training hosts several events including Summer Crush Games and inter-member competition. Cross Training Fenway One outstanding feature with this Boston, Massachusetts gym is that it offers specific coaching in much smaller classes which max at 10. The most important goal of these classes is to ensure every Cross Training receives personalized attention in the Cross Training training. By ensuring that there is enough equipment, space, and time to complete all workouts, Cross Training Fenway has its priority on the needs of the athlete. This box also offers classes for all levels including supplemental endurance training and competitor training. San Francisco Cross Training Located in Francisco California under the Golden Gate Bridge, this gym which was founded in 2005 ranks as one of the earliest Cross Training affiliates in the world. The breath of fresh air at San Francisco Cross Training is one of the distinguishing features of this box. It is predominantly outdoor-based and boasts some of the most prominent members such as Diane Fu, the Olympic lifting coach, and Brian Mackensie of Cross Training Cross Training NYC This is the oldest gym on the east coast with over 1,000 members and weekly classes totaling to 200. Though it may give you the impression of a populated box, Cross Training NYC still gives you a personal feel especially at the monthly fundraiser events and happy hours. Its massive space measures 25,000 feet and gives climbers a real challenge by allowing them to climb all the way to the second-floor gym. Other gyms you may want to grow your Cross Training workout discipline in, include Windy City Cross Training located in Chicago, North West Cross Training based in Seattle, DogTown Cross Training located in Los Angelos, and Cross Training Central in Austin, Texas.